Title: Native oxide layer role and characterization during microwave metals sintering
Presenter: Dr. Morsi M. Mahmoud
Date & Location: Wednesday, 10/11/2023 - 1:00 PM- 1:45 PM- Building 4 Room 150
The native oxide layer on Cu particles was qualitatively characterized using Auger electron spectroscopy (AES) with a rough thickness estimation due to limitations of the AES method and electron beam induced reduction. Moreover, it was quantitatively characterized with more confidence using a dual beam FIB /SEM system after coating Cu particles with Pt prior to any measurements using a special stage tilt setup to avoid any stage tilt correction and to eliminate any possible electron beam reduction. The layer was found to be inhomogeneously covering the particles surfaces where its thickness was strongly depending on particles’ sizes. Its thickness was ranging from around 22-67 nm for 10 µm average particle size particles and from around 850 nm to 1050 nm for the particles with less than 149 µm in diameter. In addition, Cu oxide was also observed inside the grains and along grain boundaries with minor amount.
Bio: Dr. Morsi M. Mahmoud is an “Assistant Professor” in the Mechanical Engineering department. He had earned his Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering from Virginia Tech (VT), USA. He research interest include chemistry of materials, advanced materials processing techniques, structure-property-processing relationship in materials in addition to materials characterization techniques. He had served as a co-editor of 12 books and more than 32 technical papers in top ranked ISI journals. He is the chairman and the organizer of the “Microwave Processing of Materials Symposium” at MS&T conference, USA from 2009 till now. He had awarded several prestigious awards such as VT citizen scholar award, USA and 2 German academic exchange service (DAAD) fellowships. Recently, he had nominated to join the “Microwave Working Group (MWG)”, USA and have got KFUPM summer international outbound scholarship to be hosted by University of Colorado, Boulder, USA during Summer 2023.