


Dr. Antar Mohammed A
Department Chairman

Mechanical Engineering Department 63 - 351 +966(13)860-2964 966-13-860 2949 (ME Dept) antar@kfupm.edu.sa
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Ph.D.                (Mechanical Engineering), King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals, Dhahran, 1996   
M.Sc.               (Mechanical Engineering), Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt, 1989                                
B.Sc                 (Mechanical Engineering), Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt, 1985        
Courses Taught

  • ME701: Directed Research I, PhD
  • ME702: Directed Research II, PhD
  • ME 606: Independent Research, MSc
  • ME 536: Convective Heat Transfer
  • ME 534: Conduction Heat Transfer
  • ME532:Advanced Fluid Mechanics
  • ME495: Directed Research, BSc
  • ME 436: Fluid Power Systems
  • ME 435: Thermal Power Plants
  • ME 430: Air Conditioning
  • ME 423: Energy Conversion
  • ME 416: Design Project,
  • ME 415: Design Project, Teaching and coordination
  • ME 411: Senior Design Project, Teaching and coordination
  • ME 412: Senior Design Project, Teaching and coordination
  • ARE 490: Special Topic on Energy Efficiency
  • ARE 322: Mechanical Systems in Buildings
  • ME204: Thermodynamics II
  • ME203: Thermodynamics I

Research Areas

  • Renewable Energy
  • Experimental and Modeling of Combustion and Fuel Reforming
  • Heat Transfer and Thermodynamics
  • Energy Efficiency
Representative Publications      

  • Mokheimer, E.M., Shakeel, M.R., Sanusi, Y.S. and Mahmoud, M., 2020, Thermo‐economic comparative analysis of solar‐assisted and carbon capture integrated conventional cogeneration plant of power and process steam. International Journal of Energy Research,1–25.
  • Alade, O.S., Abdel-Azeim, S., Mahmoud, M., Hamdy, M., Al-Shehri, D.A. and Mokheimer, E., 2020. Studies of Interaction between Bitumen and Thermochemical Fluid (TCF): Insights from experiment and Molecular Dynamics Simulations. Applied Surface Science, p.146942.
  • Alade, O.S., Hamdy, M., Mahmoud, M., Al Shehri, D.A., Mokheimer, E. and Al-Nakhli, A., 2020. Experimental and numerical analysis of using thermochemical injection for preheating to improve in-situ combustion of bitumen. Fuel, 275, p.117894.
  • Ben-Mansour, R., Hamdy, M., Sanusi, Y., Araoye, A., Habib, M.A. and Mokheimer, E., 2020. Numerical Investigation of Oxygen Permeation Through a Ba0. 5Sr0. 5Co0. 8Fe0. 2O3− δ Ion Transport Membrane With Impingement Flow. Journal of Energy Resources Technology, 142(6).
  • Hamdy, M., Mahmoud, M., Alade, O. and Mokheimer, E., 2020. Numerical study of Enhanced Oil Recovery using in situ Oxy-combustion in a porous combustion tube. Journal of Energy Resources Technology, pp.1-26.
  • Alade, O.S., Hamdy, M., Mahmoud, M., Al Shehri, D.A., Mokheimer, E., Patil, S. and Al-Nakhli, A., 2020. A preliminary assessment of thermochemical fluid for heavy oil recovery. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 186, p.106702.
  • Abubakar, Z. and Mokheimer, E.M., 2020. Thermoacoustic combustion instability of propane‐oxy‐combustion with CO2 dilution: Experimental analysis. International Journal of Energy Research, 44(2), pp.1031-1045.
  • Khaliq, A., Alharthi, M.A., Alqaed, S., Mokheimer, E. and Kumar, R., 2020. Analysis and Assessment of Tower Solar Collector Driven Trigeneration System. Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, 142(5).
  • Chowdhury, M. and Mokheimer, E., 2020. Recent Developments in Solar and Low-Temperature Heat Sources Assisted Power and Cooling Systems: A Design Perspective. Journal of Energy Resources Technology142(4).
  • Bahaidaraha, H.M., Mohamed, M.H. and Mokheimer, E., 2019. Solar-Assisted Liquid Desiccant Dehumidification Using Hollow-Fiber and Parallel-Plate Membrane Dehumidifiers: Comparative Analysis. Journal of Energy Resources Technology141(12).
  • Mohamed Mahmoud, Olalekan S. Aladea, Mohamed Hamdy, Shirish Patila, Esmail M.A. Mokheimer, In situ steam and nitrogen gas generation by thermochemical fluid Injection: A new approach for heavy oil recovery, Energy Conversion and Management 202 (2019) 112203. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enconman.2019.112203
  • Moussa, T., Mahmoud, M., Mokheimer, E., Al-Shehri, D. and Patil, S., 2019. Heavy Oil Recovery Using In Situ Steam Generated by Thermochemicals: A Numerical Simulation Study. Journal of Energy Resources Technology, 141(12).
  • Alazazmeh, A.J., Mokheimer, E., Khaliq, A. and Qureshi, B.A., 2019. Performance analysis of a solar-powered multi-effect refrigeration system. Journal of Energy Resources Technology, 141(7).
  • Khaliq, A., Mokheimer, E.M. and Yaqub, M., 2019. Thermodynamic investigations on a novel solar powered trigeneration energy system. Energy Conversion and Management, 188, pp.398-413.
  • Alkhulaifi, Y., Mokheimer, E. and H AlSadah, J., 2019. Performance Optimization of Mechanical Vapor Compression Desalination System Using a Water-Injected Twin-Screw Compressor. Journal of Energy Resources Technology, 141(4).
  • Hamanah, W.M., Kassas, M., Mokheimer, E.M., Ahmed, C.B. and Said, S.A.M., 2019. Comparison of energy consumption for residential thermal models with actual measurements. Journal of Energy Resources Technology, 141(3), p.032002.
  • Moussa, T., Mahmoud, M., Mokheimer, E., Habib, M.A. and Elkatatny, S., 2019. Well-Placement Optimization in Heavy Oil Reservoirs Using a Novel Method of In Situ Steam Generation. Journal of Energy Resources Technology, 141(3).
  • Mokheimer, E., Hamdy, M., Abubakar, Z., Shakeel, M.R., Habib, M.A. and Mahmoud, M., 2019. A Comprehensive Review of Thermal Enhanced Oil Recovery: Techniques Evaluation. Journal of Energy Resources Technology, 141(3).
  • Sanusi, Y.S. and Mokheimer, E.M., 2019. Thermo-economic optimization of hydrogen production in a membrane-SMR integrated to ITM-oxy-combustion plant using genetic algorithm. Applied Energy, 235, pp.164-176.
  • Mokheimer, E.M. and Dabwan, Y.N., 2019. Performance Analysis of Integrated Solar Tower With a Conventional Heat and Power Co-Generation Plant. Journal of Energy Resources Technology, 141(2), p.021201.
  • Sanusi, Y.S. and Mokheimer, E.M., 2019. Performance analysis of a membrane‐based reformer‐combustor reactor for hydrogen generation. International Journal of Energy Research, 43(1), pp.189-203.
  • Abubakar, Z., Shakeel, M.R. and Mokheimer, E.M., 2018. Experimental and numerical analysis of non-premixed oxy-combustion of hydrogen-enriched propane in a swirl stabilized combustor. Energy, 165, pp.1401-1414.
  • Khaliq, A., Kumar, R. and Mokheimer, E.M., 2018. Investigation on a solar thermal power and ejector-absorption refrigeration system based on first and second law analyses. Energy164, pp.1030-1043.
  • Abdel Rahman, A. and Mokheimer, E., 2018. Comparative Analysis of Different Inlet Air Cooling Technologies Including Solar Energy to Boost Gas Turbine Combined Cycles in Hot Regions. Journal of Energy Resources Technology, 140(11).
  • Shakeel, M.R., Sanusi, Y.S. and Mokheimer, E.M., 2018. Numerical modeling of oxy-methane combustion in a model gas turbine combustor. Applied energy, 228, pp.68-81.
  • Abubakar, Z., Sanusi, S.Y. and Mokheimer, E.M., 2018. Experimental Analysis of the Stability and Combustion Characteristics of Propane–Oxyfuel and Propane–Air Flames in a Non-premixed, Swirl-Stabilized Combustor. Energy & fuels, 32(8), pp.8837-8844.
  • Abubakar, Z. and Mokheimer, E.M., 2018. Numerical Study of the Combustion Characteristics of Propane–Oxyfuel Flames with CO2 Dilution. Energy & fuels, 32(6), pp.7188-7198.
  • Moussa, T., Mahmoud, M., Mokheimer, E., Habib, M.A. and Elkatatny, S., 2019. Well-Placement Optimization in Heavy Oil Reservoirs Using a Novel Method of In Situ Steam Generation. Journal of Energy Resources Technology, 141(3).
  • Khaliq, A., Mokheimer, E.M. and Kumar, R., 2018. Energy and exergy analyses of a solar powered multi-effect cooling cycle. International Journal of Exergy, 27(4), pp.500-526.
  • Taamallah, S., Vogiatzaki, K., Alzahrani, F.M., Mokheimer, E.M.A., Habib, M.A. and Ghoniem, A.F., 2018. Fuel flexibility, stability and emissions in premixed hydrogen-rich gas turbine combustion: Technology, fundamentals, and numerical simulations (vol 154, pg 1020, 2015). Applied Energy, 219, pp.426-426.

Representative Patents

  • Mokheimer, E.M.A., Sanusi, Y.S. and Habib, M.A., King Fahd University of Petroleum, 2020. Process for generating power and hydrogen gas. U.S. Patent 10,597,292.
  • Al-Azazmeh, A.J., Antar, M.A. and Mokheimer, E.M.A., King Fahd University of Petroleum, 2020. Integrated system with an absorption refrigeration subsystem and a desalination subsystem. U.S. Patent 10,532,936.
  • Mokheimer, E.M.A., Sanusi, Y.S. and Habib, M.A., King Fahd University of Petroleum, 2019. System for cogeneration of power and hydrogen. U.S. Patent 10,189,709.
  • Mokheimer, E.M. and Sanusi, Y.S., King Fahd University of Petroleum, 2019. Combustor with adjustable swirler and a combustion system. U.S. Patent 10,480,403.
  • Mokheimer, E.M.A. and Habib, M.A.A., King Fahd University of Petroleum, 2019. Solar assisted gas turbine desalination and carbon capture system. U.S. Patent 10,408,128.
  • Alsadah, J.H. and Mokheimer, E.M., King Fahd University of Petroleum, 2019. Heat exchanger cleaning system with cable and turbine rotation. U.S. Patent 10,175,010.
  • Alsadah, J.H. and Mokheimer, E.M., King Fahd University of Petroleum, 2018. Online heat exchanger cleaning system with connected cleaning elements. U.S. Patent 10,030,921.
  • Mokheimer, E.M.A. and Habib, M.A.A.M., King Fahd University of Petroleum, 2017. Hybrid solar thermal enhanced oil recovery system with oxy-fuel combustor. U.S. Patent 9,845,667.
  • Alazazmeh, A.J.A.M. and Mokheimer, E.M.A., King Fahd University of Petroleum, 2017. Evaporative condenser cooling system. U.S. Patent 9,835,342.
  • Mokheimer, E.M.A. and Habib, M.A.A.M., King Fahd University of Petroleum, 2017. Hybrid solar thermal enhanced oil recovery system with oxy-fuel combustor. U.S. Patent 9,845,667.
  • Habib, M.A.A.M. and Mokheimer, E.M.A., King Fahd University of Petroleum, 2017. Solar power and ion transport-based enhanced oil recovery system and method. U.S. Patent 9,540,918.
  • Mokheimer, E.M. and Habib, M.A.A., King Fahd University of Petroleum, 2014. Integrated solar-gas turbine cogeneration plant. U.S. Patent 8,893,505.
  • Habib, M.A.A. and Mokheimer, E.M., King Fahd University of Petroleum, 2014. Oxygen transport reactor-based oven. U.S. Patent 8,820,312.

ME,KFUPM Bldg-63 Room-307 966-13-860 2959 966-13-860 2949 (ME Dept) esmailm@kfupm.edu.sa

Associate Professor

Ph.D.                (Mechanical Engineering), King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals, Dhahran, 1996   
M.Sc.               (Mechanical Engineering), Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt, 1989                                
B.Sc                 (Mechanical Engineering), Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt, 1985        
Courses Taught

  • ME701: Directed Research I, PhD
  • ME702: Directed Research II, PhD
  • ME 606: Independent Research, MSc
  • ME 536: Convective Heat Transfer
  • ME 534: Conduction Heat Transfer
  • ME532:Advanced Fluid Mechanics
  • ME495: Directed Research, BSc
  • ME 436: Fluid Power Systems
  • ME 435: Thermal Power Plants
  • ME 430: Air Conditioning
  • ME 423: Energy Conversion
  • ME 416: Design Project,
  • ME 415: Design Project, Teaching and coordination
  • ME 411: Senior Design Project, Teaching and coordination
  • ME 412: Senior Design Project, Teaching and coordination
  • ARE 490: Special Topic on Energy Efficiency
  • ARE 322: Mechanical Systems in Buildings
  • ME204: Thermodynamics II
  • ME203: Thermodynamics I

Research Areas

  • Renewable Energy
  • Experimental and Modeling of Combustion and Fuel Reforming
  • Heat Transfer and Thermodynamics
  • Energy Efficiency
Representative Publications      

  • Mokheimer, E.M., Shakeel, M.R., Sanusi, Y.S. and Mahmoud, M., 2020, Thermo‐economic comparative analysis of solar‐assisted and carbon capture integrated conventional cogeneration plant of power and process steam. International Journal of Energy Research,1–25.
  • Alade, O.S., Abdel-Azeim, S., Mahmoud, M., Hamdy, M., Al-Shehri, D.A. and Mokheimer, E., 2020. Studies of Interaction between Bitumen and Thermochemical Fluid (TCF): Insights from experiment and Molecular Dynamics Simulations. Applied Surface Science, p.146942.
  • Alade, O.S., Hamdy, M., Mahmoud, M., Al Shehri, D.A., Mokheimer, E. and Al-Nakhli, A., 2020. Experimental and numerical analysis of using thermochemical injection for preheating to improve in-situ combustion of bitumen. Fuel, 275, p.117894.
  • Ben-Mansour, R., Hamdy, M., Sanusi, Y., Araoye, A., Habib, M.A. and Mokheimer, E., 2020. Numerical Investigation of Oxygen Permeation Through a Ba0. 5Sr0. 5Co0. 8Fe0. 2O3− δ Ion Transport Membrane With Impingement Flow. Journal of Energy Resources Technology, 142(6).
  • Hamdy, M., Mahmoud, M., Alade, O. and Mokheimer, E., 2020. Numerical study of Enhanced Oil Recovery using in situ Oxy-combustion in a porous combustion tube. Journal of Energy Resources Technology, pp.1-26.
  • Alade, O.S., Hamdy, M., Mahmoud, M., Al Shehri, D.A., Mokheimer, E., Patil, S. and Al-Nakhli, A., 2020. A preliminary assessment of thermochemical fluid for heavy oil recovery. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 186, p.106702.
  • Abubakar, Z. and Mokheimer, E.M., 2020. Thermoacoustic combustion instability of propane‐oxy‐combustion with CO2 dilution: Experimental analysis. International Journal of Energy Research, 44(2), pp.1031-1045.
  • Khaliq, A., Alharthi, M.A., Alqaed, S., Mokheimer, E. and Kumar, R., 2020. Analysis and Assessment of Tower Solar Collector Driven Trigeneration System. Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, 142(5).
  • Chowdhury, M. and Mokheimer, E., 2020. Recent Developments in Solar and Low-Temperature Heat Sources Assisted Power and Cooling Systems: A Design Perspective. Journal of Energy Resources Technology142(4).
  • Bahaidaraha, H.M., Mohamed, M.H. and Mokheimer, E., 2019. Solar-Assisted Liquid Desiccant Dehumidification Using Hollow-Fiber and Parallel-Plate Membrane Dehumidifiers: Comparative Analysis. Journal of Energy Resources Technology141(12).
  • Mohamed Mahmoud, Olalekan S. Aladea, Mohamed Hamdy, Shirish Patila, Esmail M.A. Mokheimer, In situ steam and nitrogen gas generation by thermochemical fluid Injection: A new approach for heavy oil recovery, Energy Conversion and Management 202 (2019) 112203. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enconman.2019.112203
  • Moussa, T., Mahmoud, M., Mokheimer, E., Al-Shehri, D. and Patil, S., 2019. Heavy Oil Recovery Using In Situ Steam Generated by Thermochemicals: A Numerical Simulation Study. Journal of Energy Resources Technology, 141(12).
  • Alazazmeh, A.J., Mokheimer, E., Khaliq, A. and Qureshi, B.A., 2019. Performance analysis of a solar-powered multi-effect refrigeration system. Journal of Energy Resources Technology, 141(7).
  • Khaliq, A., Mokheimer, E.M. and Yaqub, M., 2019. Thermodynamic investigations on a novel solar powered trigeneration energy system. Energy Conversion and Management, 188, pp.398-413.
  • Alkhulaifi, Y., Mokheimer, E. and H AlSadah, J., 2019. Performance Optimization of Mechanical Vapor Compression Desalination System Using a Water-Injected Twin-Screw Compressor. Journal of Energy Resources Technology, 141(4).
  • Hamanah, W.M., Kassas, M., Mokheimer, E.M., Ahmed, C.B. and Said, S.A.M., 2019. Comparison of energy consumption for residential thermal models with actual measurements. Journal of Energy Resources Technology, 141(3), p.032002.
  • Moussa, T., Mahmoud, M., Mokheimer, E., Habib, M.A. and Elkatatny, S., 2019. Well-Placement Optimization in Heavy Oil Reservoirs Using a Novel Method of In Situ Steam Generation. Journal of Energy Resources Technology, 141(3).
  • Mokheimer, E., Hamdy, M., Abubakar, Z., Shakeel, M.R., Habib, M.A. and Mahmoud, M., 2019. A Comprehensive Review of Thermal Enhanced Oil Recovery: Techniques Evaluation. Journal of Energy Resources Technology, 141(3).
  • Sanusi, Y.S. and Mokheimer, E.M., 2019. Thermo-economic optimization of hydrogen production in a membrane-SMR integrated to ITM-oxy-combustion plant using genetic algorithm. Applied Energy, 235, pp.164-176.
  • Mokheimer, E.M. and Dabwan, Y.N., 2019. Performance Analysis of Integrated Solar Tower With a Conventional Heat and Power Co-Generation Plant. Journal of Energy Resources Technology, 141(2), p.021201.
  • Sanusi, Y.S. and Mokheimer, E.M., 2019. Performance analysis of a membrane‐based reformer‐combustor reactor for hydrogen generation. International Journal of Energy Research, 43(1), pp.189-203.
  • Abubakar, Z., Shakeel, M.R. and Mokheimer, E.M., 2018. Experimental and numerical analysis of non-premixed oxy-combustion of hydrogen-enriched propane in a swirl stabilized combustor. Energy, 165, pp.1401-1414.
  • Khaliq, A., Kumar, R. and Mokheimer, E.M., 2018. Investigation on a solar thermal power and ejector-absorption refrigeration system based on first and second law analyses. Energy164, pp.1030-1043.
  • Abdel Rahman, A. and Mokheimer, E., 2018. Comparative Analysis of Different Inlet Air Cooling Technologies Including Solar Energy to Boost Gas Turbine Combined Cycles in Hot Regions. Journal of Energy Resources Technology, 140(11).
  • Shakeel, M.R., Sanusi, Y.S. and Mokheimer, E.M., 2018. Numerical modeling of oxy-methane combustion in a model gas turbine combustor. Applied energy, 228, pp.68-81.
  • Abubakar, Z., Sanusi, S.Y. and Mokheimer, E.M., 2018. Experimental Analysis of the Stability and Combustion Characteristics of Propane–Oxyfuel and Propane–Air Flames in a Non-premixed, Swirl-Stabilized Combustor. Energy & fuels, 32(8), pp.8837-8844.
  • Abubakar, Z. and Mokheimer, E.M., 2018. Numerical Study of the Combustion Characteristics of Propane–Oxyfuel Flames with CO2 Dilution. Energy & fuels, 32(6), pp.7188-7198.
  • Moussa, T., Mahmoud, M., Mokheimer, E., Habib, M.A. and Elkatatny, S., 2019. Well-Placement Optimization in Heavy Oil Reservoirs Using a Novel Method of In Situ Steam Generation. Journal of Energy Resources Technology, 141(3).
  • Khaliq, A., Mokheimer, E.M. and Kumar, R., 2018. Energy and exergy analyses of a solar powered multi-effect cooling cycle. International Journal of Exergy, 27(4), pp.500-526.
  • Taamallah, S., Vogiatzaki, K., Alzahrani, F.M., Mokheimer, E.M.A., Habib, M.A. and Ghoniem, A.F., 2018. Fuel flexibility, stability and emissions in premixed hydrogen-rich gas turbine combustion: Technology, fundamentals, and numerical simulations (vol 154, pg 1020, 2015). Applied Energy, 219, pp.426-426.

Representative Patents

  • Mokheimer, E.M.A., Sanusi, Y.S. and Habib, M.A., King Fahd University of Petroleum, 2020. Process for generating power and hydrogen gas. U.S. Patent 10,597,292.
  • Al-Azazmeh, A.J., Antar, M.A. and Mokheimer, E.M.A., King Fahd University of Petroleum, 2020. Integrated system with an absorption refrigeration subsystem and a desalination subsystem. U.S. Patent 10,532,936.
  • Mokheimer, E.M.A., Sanusi, Y.S. and Habib, M.A., King Fahd University of Petroleum, 2019. System for cogeneration of power and hydrogen. U.S. Patent 10,189,709.
  • Mokheimer, E.M. and Sanusi, Y.S., King Fahd University of Petroleum, 2019. Combustor with adjustable swirler and a combustion system. U.S. Patent 10,480,403.
  • Mokheimer, E.M.A. and Habib, M.A.A., King Fahd University of Petroleum, 2019. Solar assisted gas turbine desalination and carbon capture system. U.S. Patent 10,408,128.
  • Alsadah, J.H. and Mokheimer, E.M., King Fahd University of Petroleum, 2019. Heat exchanger cleaning system with cable and turbine rotation. U.S. Patent 10,175,010.
  • Alsadah, J.H. and Mokheimer, E.M., King Fahd University of Petroleum, 2018. Online heat exchanger cleaning system with connected cleaning elements. U.S. Patent 10,030,921.
  • Mokheimer, E.M.A. and Habib, M.A.A.M., King Fahd University of Petroleum, 2017. Hybrid solar thermal enhanced oil recovery system with oxy-fuel combustor. U.S. Patent 9,845,667.
  • Alazazmeh, A.J.A.M. and Mokheimer, E.M.A., King Fahd University of Petroleum, 2017. Evaporative condenser cooling system. U.S. Patent 9,835,342.
  • Mokheimer, E.M.A. and Habib, M.A.A.M., King Fahd University of Petroleum, 2017. Hybrid solar thermal enhanced oil recovery system with oxy-fuel combustor. U.S. Patent 9,845,667.
  • Habib, M.A.A.M. and Mokheimer, E.M.A., King Fahd University of Petroleum, 2017. Solar power and ion transport-based enhanced oil recovery system and method. U.S. Patent 9,540,918.
  • Mokheimer, E.M. and Habib, M.A.A., King Fahd University of Petroleum, 2014. Integrated solar-gas turbine cogeneration plant. U.S. Patent 8,893,505.
  • Habib, M.A.A. and Mokheimer, E.M., King Fahd University of Petroleum, 2014. Oxygen transport reactor-based oven. U.S. Patent 8,820,312.

ME,KFUPM Bldg-63 Room-307 966-13-860 2959 966-13-860 2949 (ME Dept) esmailm@kfupm.edu.sa

Assistant Professor

Ph.D.                (Mechanical Engineering), King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals, Dhahran, 1996   
M.Sc.               (Mechanical Engineering), Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt, 1989                                
B.Sc                 (Mechanical Engineering), Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt, 1985        
Courses Taught

  • ME701: Directed Research I, PhD
  • ME702: Directed Research II, PhD
  • ME 606: Independent Research, MSc
  • ME 536: Convective Heat Transfer
  • ME 534: Conduction Heat Transfer
  • ME532:Advanced Fluid Mechanics
  • ME495: Directed Research, BSc
  • ME 436: Fluid Power Systems
  • ME 435: Thermal Power Plants
  • ME 430: Air Conditioning
  • ME 423: Energy Conversion
  • ME 416: Design Project,
  • ME 415: Design Project, Teaching and coordination
  • ME 411: Senior Design Project, Teaching and coordination
  • ME 412: Senior Design Project, Teaching and coordination
  • ARE 490: Special Topic on Energy Efficiency
  • ARE 322: Mechanical Systems in Buildings
  • ME204: Thermodynamics II
  • ME203: Thermodynamics I

Research Areas

  • Renewable Energy
  • Experimental and Modeling of Combustion and Fuel Reforming
  • Heat Transfer and Thermodynamics
  • Energy Efficiency
Representative Publications      

  • Mokheimer, E.M., Shakeel, M.R., Sanusi, Y.S. and Mahmoud, M., 2020, Thermo‐economic comparative analysis of solar‐assisted and carbon capture integrated conventional cogeneration plant of power and process steam. International Journal of Energy Research,1–25.
  • Alade, O.S., Abdel-Azeim, S., Mahmoud, M., Hamdy, M., Al-Shehri, D.A. and Mokheimer, E., 2020. Studies of Interaction between Bitumen and Thermochemical Fluid (TCF): Insights from experiment and Molecular Dynamics Simulations. Applied Surface Science, p.146942.
  • Alade, O.S., Hamdy, M., Mahmoud, M., Al Shehri, D.A., Mokheimer, E. and Al-Nakhli, A., 2020. Experimental and numerical analysis of using thermochemical injection for preheating to improve in-situ combustion of bitumen. Fuel, 275, p.117894.
  • Ben-Mansour, R., Hamdy, M., Sanusi, Y., Araoye, A., Habib, M.A. and Mokheimer, E., 2020. Numerical Investigation of Oxygen Permeation Through a Ba0. 5Sr0. 5Co0. 8Fe0. 2O3− δ Ion Transport Membrane With Impingement Flow. Journal of Energy Resources Technology, 142(6).
  • Hamdy, M., Mahmoud, M., Alade, O. and Mokheimer, E., 2020. Numerical study of Enhanced Oil Recovery using in situ Oxy-combustion in a porous combustion tube. Journal of Energy Resources Technology, pp.1-26.
  • Alade, O.S., Hamdy, M., Mahmoud, M., Al Shehri, D.A., Mokheimer, E., Patil, S. and Al-Nakhli, A., 2020. A preliminary assessment of thermochemical fluid for heavy oil recovery. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 186, p.106702.
  • Abubakar, Z. and Mokheimer, E.M., 2020. Thermoacoustic combustion instability of propane‐oxy‐combustion with CO2 dilution: Experimental analysis. International Journal of Energy Research, 44(2), pp.1031-1045.
  • Khaliq, A., Alharthi, M.A., Alqaed, S., Mokheimer, E. and Kumar, R., 2020. Analysis and Assessment of Tower Solar Collector Driven Trigeneration System. Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, 142(5).
  • Chowdhury, M. and Mokheimer, E., 2020. Recent Developments in Solar and Low-Temperature Heat Sources Assisted Power and Cooling Systems: A Design Perspective. Journal of Energy Resources Technology142(4).
  • Bahaidaraha, H.M., Mohamed, M.H. and Mokheimer, E., 2019. Solar-Assisted Liquid Desiccant Dehumidification Using Hollow-Fiber and Parallel-Plate Membrane Dehumidifiers: Comparative Analysis. Journal of Energy Resources Technology141(12).
  • Mohamed Mahmoud, Olalekan S. Aladea, Mohamed Hamdy, Shirish Patila, Esmail M.A. Mokheimer, In situ steam and nitrogen gas generation by thermochemical fluid Injection: A new approach for heavy oil recovery, Energy Conversion and Management 202 (2019) 112203. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enconman.2019.112203
  • Moussa, T., Mahmoud, M., Mokheimer, E., Al-Shehri, D. and Patil, S., 2019. Heavy Oil Recovery Using In Situ Steam Generated by Thermochemicals: A Numerical Simulation Study. Journal of Energy Resources Technology, 141(12).
  • Alazazmeh, A.J., Mokheimer, E., Khaliq, A. and Qureshi, B.A., 2019. Performance analysis of a solar-powered multi-effect refrigeration system. Journal of Energy Resources Technology, 141(7).
  • Khaliq, A., Mokheimer, E.M. and Yaqub, M., 2019. Thermodynamic investigations on a novel solar powered trigeneration energy system. Energy Conversion and Management, 188, pp.398-413.
  • Alkhulaifi, Y., Mokheimer, E. and H AlSadah, J., 2019. Performance Optimization of Mechanical Vapor Compression Desalination System Using a Water-Injected Twin-Screw Compressor. Journal of Energy Resources Technology, 141(4).
  • Hamanah, W.M., Kassas, M., Mokheimer, E.M., Ahmed, C.B. and Said, S.A.M., 2019. Comparison of energy consumption for residential thermal models with actual measurements. Journal of Energy Resources Technology, 141(3), p.032002.
  • Moussa, T., Mahmoud, M., Mokheimer, E., Habib, M.A. and Elkatatny, S., 2019. Well-Placement Optimization in Heavy Oil Reservoirs Using a Novel Method of In Situ Steam Generation. Journal of Energy Resources Technology, 141(3).
  • Mokheimer, E., Hamdy, M., Abubakar, Z., Shakeel, M.R., Habib, M.A. and Mahmoud, M., 2019. A Comprehensive Review of Thermal Enhanced Oil Recovery: Techniques Evaluation. Journal of Energy Resources Technology, 141(3).
  • Sanusi, Y.S. and Mokheimer, E.M., 2019. Thermo-economic optimization of hydrogen production in a membrane-SMR integrated to ITM-oxy-combustion plant using genetic algorithm. Applied Energy, 235, pp.164-176.
  • Mokheimer, E.M. and Dabwan, Y.N., 2019. Performance Analysis of Integrated Solar Tower With a Conventional Heat and Power Co-Generation Plant. Journal of Energy Resources Technology, 141(2), p.021201.
  • Sanusi, Y.S. and Mokheimer, E.M., 2019. Performance analysis of a membrane‐based reformer‐combustor reactor for hydrogen generation. International Journal of Energy Research, 43(1), pp.189-203.
  • Abubakar, Z., Shakeel, M.R. and Mokheimer, E.M., 2018. Experimental and numerical analysis of non-premixed oxy-combustion of hydrogen-enriched propane in a swirl stabilized combustor. Energy, 165, pp.1401-1414.
  • Khaliq, A., Kumar, R. and Mokheimer, E.M., 2018. Investigation on a solar thermal power and ejector-absorption refrigeration system based on first and second law analyses. Energy164, pp.1030-1043.
  • Abdel Rahman, A. and Mokheimer, E., 2018. Comparative Analysis of Different Inlet Air Cooling Technologies Including Solar Energy to Boost Gas Turbine Combined Cycles in Hot Regions. Journal of Energy Resources Technology, 140(11).
  • Shakeel, M.R., Sanusi, Y.S. and Mokheimer, E.M., 2018. Numerical modeling of oxy-methane combustion in a model gas turbine combustor. Applied energy, 228, pp.68-81.
  • Abubakar, Z., Sanusi, S.Y. and Mokheimer, E.M., 2018. Experimental Analysis of the Stability and Combustion Characteristics of Propane–Oxyfuel and Propane–Air Flames in a Non-premixed, Swirl-Stabilized Combustor. Energy & fuels, 32(8), pp.8837-8844.
  • Abubakar, Z. and Mokheimer, E.M., 2018. Numerical Study of the Combustion Characteristics of Propane–Oxyfuel Flames with CO2 Dilution. Energy & fuels, 32(6), pp.7188-7198.
  • Moussa, T., Mahmoud, M., Mokheimer, E., Habib, M.A. and Elkatatny, S., 2019. Well-Placement Optimization in Heavy Oil Reservoirs Using a Novel Method of In Situ Steam Generation. Journal of Energy Resources Technology, 141(3).
  • Khaliq, A., Mokheimer, E.M. and Kumar, R., 2018. Energy and exergy analyses of a solar powered multi-effect cooling cycle. International Journal of Exergy, 27(4), pp.500-526.
  • Taamallah, S., Vogiatzaki, K., Alzahrani, F.M., Mokheimer, E.M.A., Habib, M.A. and Ghoniem, A.F., 2018. Fuel flexibility, stability and emissions in premixed hydrogen-rich gas turbine combustion: Technology, fundamentals, and numerical simulations (vol 154, pg 1020, 2015). Applied Energy, 219, pp.426-426.

Representative Patents

  • Mokheimer, E.M.A., Sanusi, Y.S. and Habib, M.A., King Fahd University of Petroleum, 2020. Process for generating power and hydrogen gas. U.S. Patent 10,597,292.
  • Al-Azazmeh, A.J., Antar, M.A. and Mokheimer, E.M.A., King Fahd University of Petroleum, 2020. Integrated system with an absorption refrigeration subsystem and a desalination subsystem. U.S. Patent 10,532,936.
  • Mokheimer, E.M.A., Sanusi, Y.S. and Habib, M.A., King Fahd University of Petroleum, 2019. System for cogeneration of power and hydrogen. U.S. Patent 10,189,709.
  • Mokheimer, E.M. and Sanusi, Y.S., King Fahd University of Petroleum, 2019. Combustor with adjustable swirler and a combustion system. U.S. Patent 10,480,403.
  • Mokheimer, E.M.A. and Habib, M.A.A., King Fahd University of Petroleum, 2019. Solar assisted gas turbine desalination and carbon capture system. U.S. Patent 10,408,128.
  • Alsadah, J.H. and Mokheimer, E.M., King Fahd University of Petroleum, 2019. Heat exchanger cleaning system with cable and turbine rotation. U.S. Patent 10,175,010.
  • Alsadah, J.H. and Mokheimer, E.M., King Fahd University of Petroleum, 2018. Online heat exchanger cleaning system with connected cleaning elements. U.S. Patent 10,030,921.
  • Mokheimer, E.M.A. and Habib, M.A.A.M., King Fahd University of Petroleum, 2017. Hybrid solar thermal enhanced oil recovery system with oxy-fuel combustor. U.S. Patent 9,845,667.
  • Alazazmeh, A.J.A.M. and Mokheimer, E.M.A., King Fahd University of Petroleum, 2017. Evaporative condenser cooling system. U.S. Patent 9,835,342.
  • Mokheimer, E.M.A. and Habib, M.A.A.M., King Fahd University of Petroleum, 2017. Hybrid solar thermal enhanced oil recovery system with oxy-fuel combustor. U.S. Patent 9,845,667.
  • Habib, M.A.A.M. and Mokheimer, E.M.A., King Fahd University of Petroleum, 2017. Solar power and ion transport-based enhanced oil recovery system and method. U.S. Patent 9,540,918.
  • Mokheimer, E.M. and Habib, M.A.A., King Fahd University of Petroleum, 2014. Integrated solar-gas turbine cogeneration plant. U.S. Patent 8,893,505.
  • Habib, M.A.A. and Mokheimer, E.M., King Fahd University of Petroleum, 2014. Oxygen transport reactor-based oven. U.S. Patent 8,820,312.

ME,KFUPM Bldg-63 Room-307 966-13-860 2959 966-13-860 2949 (ME Dept) esmailm@kfupm.edu.sa


Ph.D.                (Mechanical Engineering), King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals, Dhahran, 1996   
M.Sc.               (Mechanical Engineering), Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt, 1989                                
B.Sc                 (Mechanical Engineering), Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt, 1985        
Courses Taught

  • ME701: Directed Research I, PhD
  • ME702: Directed Research II, PhD
  • ME 606: Independent Research, MSc
  • ME 536: Convective Heat Transfer
  • ME 534: Conduction Heat Transfer
  • ME532:Advanced Fluid Mechanics
  • ME495: Directed Research, BSc
  • ME 436: Fluid Power Systems
  • ME 435: Thermal Power Plants
  • ME 430: Air Conditioning
  • ME 423: Energy Conversion
  • ME 416: Design Project,
  • ME 415: Design Project, Teaching and coordination
  • ME 411: Senior Design Project, Teaching and coordination
  • ME 412: Senior Design Project, Teaching and coordination
  • ARE 490: Special Topic on Energy Efficiency
  • ARE 322: Mechanical Systems in Buildings
  • ME204: Thermodynamics II
  • ME203: Thermodynamics I

Research Areas

  • Renewable Energy
  • Experimental and Modeling of Combustion and Fuel Reforming
  • Heat Transfer and Thermodynamics
  • Energy Efficiency
Representative Publications      

  • Mokheimer, E.M., Shakeel, M.R., Sanusi, Y.S. and Mahmoud, M., 2020, Thermo‐economic comparative analysis of solar‐assisted and carbon capture integrated conventional cogeneration plant of power and process steam. International Journal of Energy Research,1–25.
  • Alade, O.S., Abdel-Azeim, S., Mahmoud, M., Hamdy, M., Al-Shehri, D.A. and Mokheimer, E., 2020. Studies of Interaction between Bitumen and Thermochemical Fluid (TCF): Insights from experiment and Molecular Dynamics Simulations. Applied Surface Science, p.146942.
  • Alade, O.S., Hamdy, M., Mahmoud, M., Al Shehri, D.A., Mokheimer, E. and Al-Nakhli, A., 2020. Experimental and numerical analysis of using thermochemical injection for preheating to improve in-situ combustion of bitumen. Fuel, 275, p.117894.
  • Ben-Mansour, R., Hamdy, M., Sanusi, Y., Araoye, A., Habib, M.A. and Mokheimer, E., 2020. Numerical Investigation of Oxygen Permeation Through a Ba0. 5Sr0. 5Co0. 8Fe0. 2O3− δ Ion Transport Membrane With Impingement Flow. Journal of Energy Resources Technology, 142(6).
  • Hamdy, M., Mahmoud, M., Alade, O. and Mokheimer, E., 2020. Numerical study of Enhanced Oil Recovery using in situ Oxy-combustion in a porous combustion tube. Journal of Energy Resources Technology, pp.1-26.
  • Alade, O.S., Hamdy, M., Mahmoud, M., Al Shehri, D.A., Mokheimer, E., Patil, S. and Al-Nakhli, A., 2020. A preliminary assessment of thermochemical fluid for heavy oil recovery. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 186, p.106702.
  • Abubakar, Z. and Mokheimer, E.M., 2020. Thermoacoustic combustion instability of propane‐oxy‐combustion with CO2 dilution: Experimental analysis. International Journal of Energy Research, 44(2), pp.1031-1045.
  • Khaliq, A., Alharthi, M.A., Alqaed, S., Mokheimer, E. and Kumar, R., 2020. Analysis and Assessment of Tower Solar Collector Driven Trigeneration System. Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, 142(5).
  • Chowdhury, M. and Mokheimer, E., 2020. Recent Developments in Solar and Low-Temperature Heat Sources Assisted Power and Cooling Systems: A Design Perspective. Journal of Energy Resources Technology142(4).
  • Bahaidaraha, H.M., Mohamed, M.H. and Mokheimer, E., 2019. Solar-Assisted Liquid Desiccant Dehumidification Using Hollow-Fiber and Parallel-Plate Membrane Dehumidifiers: Comparative Analysis. Journal of Energy Resources Technology141(12).
  • Mohamed Mahmoud, Olalekan S. Aladea, Mohamed Hamdy, Shirish Patila, Esmail M.A. Mokheimer, In situ steam and nitrogen gas generation by thermochemical fluid Injection: A new approach for heavy oil recovery, Energy Conversion and Management 202 (2019) 112203. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enconman.2019.112203
  • Moussa, T., Mahmoud, M., Mokheimer, E., Al-Shehri, D. and Patil, S., 2019. Heavy Oil Recovery Using In Situ Steam Generated by Thermochemicals: A Numerical Simulation Study. Journal of Energy Resources Technology, 141(12).
  • Alazazmeh, A.J., Mokheimer, E., Khaliq, A. and Qureshi, B.A., 2019. Performance analysis of a solar-powered multi-effect refrigeration system. Journal of Energy Resources Technology, 141(7).
  • Khaliq, A., Mokheimer, E.M. and Yaqub, M., 2019. Thermodynamic investigations on a novel solar powered trigeneration energy system. Energy Conversion and Management, 188, pp.398-413.
  • Alkhulaifi, Y., Mokheimer, E. and H AlSadah, J., 2019. Performance Optimization of Mechanical Vapor Compression Desalination System Using a Water-Injected Twin-Screw Compressor. Journal of Energy Resources Technology, 141(4).
  • Hamanah, W.M., Kassas, M., Mokheimer, E.M., Ahmed, C.B. and Said, S.A.M., 2019. Comparison of energy consumption for residential thermal models with actual measurements. Journal of Energy Resources Technology, 141(3), p.032002.
  • Moussa, T., Mahmoud, M., Mokheimer, E., Habib, M.A. and Elkatatny, S., 2019. Well-Placement Optimization in Heavy Oil Reservoirs Using a Novel Method of In Situ Steam Generation. Journal of Energy Resources Technology, 141(3).
  • Mokheimer, E., Hamdy, M., Abubakar, Z., Shakeel, M.R., Habib, M.A. and Mahmoud, M., 2019. A Comprehensive Review of Thermal Enhanced Oil Recovery: Techniques Evaluation. Journal of Energy Resources Technology, 141(3).
  • Sanusi, Y.S. and Mokheimer, E.M., 2019. Thermo-economic optimization of hydrogen production in a membrane-SMR integrated to ITM-oxy-combustion plant using genetic algorithm. Applied Energy, 235, pp.164-176.
  • Mokheimer, E.M. and Dabwan, Y.N., 2019. Performance Analysis of Integrated Solar Tower With a Conventional Heat and Power Co-Generation Plant. Journal of Energy Resources Technology, 141(2), p.021201.
  • Sanusi, Y.S. and Mokheimer, E.M., 2019. Performance analysis of a membrane‐based reformer‐combustor reactor for hydrogen generation. International Journal of Energy Research, 43(1), pp.189-203.
  • Abubakar, Z., Shakeel, M.R. and Mokheimer, E.M., 2018. Experimental and numerical analysis of non-premixed oxy-combustion of hydrogen-enriched propane in a swirl stabilized combustor. Energy, 165, pp.1401-1414.
  • Khaliq, A., Kumar, R. and Mokheimer, E.M., 2018. Investigation on a solar thermal power and ejector-absorption refrigeration system based on first and second law analyses. Energy164, pp.1030-1043.
  • Abdel Rahman, A. and Mokheimer, E., 2018. Comparative Analysis of Different Inlet Air Cooling Technologies Including Solar Energy to Boost Gas Turbine Combined Cycles in Hot Regions. Journal of Energy Resources Technology, 140(11).
  • Shakeel, M.R., Sanusi, Y.S. and Mokheimer, E.M., 2018. Numerical modeling of oxy-methane combustion in a model gas turbine combustor. Applied energy, 228, pp.68-81.
  • Abubakar, Z., Sanusi, S.Y. and Mokheimer, E.M., 2018. Experimental Analysis of the Stability and Combustion Characteristics of Propane–Oxyfuel and Propane–Air Flames in a Non-premixed, Swirl-Stabilized Combustor. Energy & fuels, 32(8), pp.8837-8844.
  • Abubakar, Z. and Mokheimer, E.M., 2018. Numerical Study of the Combustion Characteristics of Propane–Oxyfuel Flames with CO2 Dilution. Energy & fuels, 32(6), pp.7188-7198.
  • Moussa, T., Mahmoud, M., Mokheimer, E., Habib, M.A. and Elkatatny, S., 2019. Well-Placement Optimization in Heavy Oil Reservoirs Using a Novel Method of In Situ Steam Generation. Journal of Energy Resources Technology, 141(3).
  • Khaliq, A., Mokheimer, E.M. and Kumar, R., 2018. Energy and exergy analyses of a solar powered multi-effect cooling cycle. International Journal of Exergy, 27(4), pp.500-526.
  • Taamallah, S., Vogiatzaki, K., Alzahrani, F.M., Mokheimer, E.M.A., Habib, M.A. and Ghoniem, A.F., 2018. Fuel flexibility, stability and emissions in premixed hydrogen-rich gas turbine combustion: Technology, fundamentals, and numerical simulations (vol 154, pg 1020, 2015). Applied Energy, 219, pp.426-426.

Representative Patents

  • Mokheimer, E.M.A., Sanusi, Y.S. and Habib, M.A., King Fahd University of Petroleum, 2020. Process for generating power and hydrogen gas. U.S. Patent 10,597,292.
  • Al-Azazmeh, A.J., Antar, M.A. and Mokheimer, E.M.A., King Fahd University of Petroleum, 2020. Integrated system with an absorption refrigeration subsystem and a desalination subsystem. U.S. Patent 10,532,936.
  • Mokheimer, E.M.A., Sanusi, Y.S. and Habib, M.A., King Fahd University of Petroleum, 2019. System for cogeneration of power and hydrogen. U.S. Patent 10,189,709.
  • Mokheimer, E.M. and Sanusi, Y.S., King Fahd University of Petroleum, 2019. Combustor with adjustable swirler and a combustion system. U.S. Patent 10,480,403.
  • Mokheimer, E.M.A. and Habib, M.A.A., King Fahd University of Petroleum, 2019. Solar assisted gas turbine desalination and carbon capture system. U.S. Patent 10,408,128.
  • Alsadah, J.H. and Mokheimer, E.M., King Fahd University of Petroleum, 2019. Heat exchanger cleaning system with cable and turbine rotation. U.S. Patent 10,175,010.
  • Alsadah, J.H. and Mokheimer, E.M., King Fahd University of Petroleum, 2018. Online heat exchanger cleaning system with connected cleaning elements. U.S. Patent 10,030,921.
  • Mokheimer, E.M.A. and Habib, M.A.A.M., King Fahd University of Petroleum, 2017. Hybrid solar thermal enhanced oil recovery system with oxy-fuel combustor. U.S. Patent 9,845,667.
  • Alazazmeh, A.J.A.M. and Mokheimer, E.M.A., King Fahd University of Petroleum, 2017. Evaporative condenser cooling system. U.S. Patent 9,835,342.
  • Mokheimer, E.M.A. and Habib, M.A.A.M., King Fahd University of Petroleum, 2017. Hybrid solar thermal enhanced oil recovery system with oxy-fuel combustor. U.S. Patent 9,845,667.
  • Habib, M.A.A.M. and Mokheimer, E.M.A., King Fahd University of Petroleum, 2017. Solar power and ion transport-based enhanced oil recovery system and method. U.S. Patent 9,540,918.
  • Mokheimer, E.M. and Habib, M.A.A., King Fahd University of Petroleum, 2014. Integrated solar-gas turbine cogeneration plant. U.S. Patent 8,893,505.
  • Habib, M.A.A. and Mokheimer, E.M., King Fahd University of Petroleum, 2014. Oxygen transport reactor-based oven. U.S. Patent 8,820,312.

ME,KFUPM Bldg-63 Room-307 966-13-860 2959 966-13-860 2949 (ME Dept) esmailm@kfupm.edu.sa

Graduate Assistants

Ph.D.                (Mechanical Engineering), King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals, Dhahran, 1996   
M.Sc.               (Mechanical Engineering), Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt, 1989                                
B.Sc                 (Mechanical Engineering), Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt, 1985        
Courses Taught

  • ME701: Directed Research I, PhD
  • ME702: Directed Research II, PhD
  • ME 606: Independent Research, MSc
  • ME 536: Convective Heat Transfer
  • ME 534: Conduction Heat Transfer
  • ME532:Advanced Fluid Mechanics
  • ME495: Directed Research, BSc
  • ME 436: Fluid Power Systems
  • ME 435: Thermal Power Plants
  • ME 430: Air Conditioning
  • ME 423: Energy Conversion
  • ME 416: Design Project,
  • ME 415: Design Project, Teaching and coordination
  • ME 411: Senior Design Project, Teaching and coordination
  • ME 412: Senior Design Project, Teaching and coordination
  • ARE 490: Special Topic on Energy Efficiency
  • ARE 322: Mechanical Systems in Buildings
  • ME204: Thermodynamics II
  • ME203: Thermodynamics I

Research Areas

  • Renewable Energy
  • Experimental and Modeling of Combustion and Fuel Reforming
  • Heat Transfer and Thermodynamics
  • Energy Efficiency
Representative Publications      

  • Mokheimer, E.M., Shakeel, M.R., Sanusi, Y.S. and Mahmoud, M., 2020, Thermo‐economic comparative analysis of solar‐assisted and carbon capture integrated conventional cogeneration plant of power and process steam. International Journal of Energy Research,1–25.
  • Alade, O.S., Abdel-Azeim, S., Mahmoud, M., Hamdy, M., Al-Shehri, D.A. and Mokheimer, E., 2020. Studies of Interaction between Bitumen and Thermochemical Fluid (TCF): Insights from experiment and Molecular Dynamics Simulations. Applied Surface Science, p.146942.
  • Alade, O.S., Hamdy, M., Mahmoud, M., Al Shehri, D.A., Mokheimer, E. and Al-Nakhli, A., 2020. Experimental and numerical analysis of using thermochemical injection for preheating to improve in-situ combustion of bitumen. Fuel, 275, p.117894.
  • Ben-Mansour, R., Hamdy, M., Sanusi, Y., Araoye, A., Habib, M.A. and Mokheimer, E., 2020. Numerical Investigation of Oxygen Permeation Through a Ba0. 5Sr0. 5Co0. 8Fe0. 2O3− δ Ion Transport Membrane With Impingement Flow. Journal of Energy Resources Technology, 142(6).
  • Hamdy, M., Mahmoud, M., Alade, O. and Mokheimer, E., 2020. Numerical study of Enhanced Oil Recovery using in situ Oxy-combustion in a porous combustion tube. Journal of Energy Resources Technology, pp.1-26.
  • Alade, O.S., Hamdy, M., Mahmoud, M., Al Shehri, D.A., Mokheimer, E., Patil, S. and Al-Nakhli, A., 2020. A preliminary assessment of thermochemical fluid for heavy oil recovery. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 186, p.106702.
  • Abubakar, Z. and Mokheimer, E.M., 2020. Thermoacoustic combustion instability of propane‐oxy‐combustion with CO2 dilution: Experimental analysis. International Journal of Energy Research, 44(2), pp.1031-1045.
  • Khaliq, A., Alharthi, M.A., Alqaed, S., Mokheimer, E. and Kumar, R., 2020. Analysis and Assessment of Tower Solar Collector Driven Trigeneration System. Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, 142(5).
  • Chowdhury, M. and Mokheimer, E., 2020. Recent Developments in Solar and Low-Temperature Heat Sources Assisted Power and Cooling Systems: A Design Perspective. Journal of Energy Resources Technology142(4).
  • Bahaidaraha, H.M., Mohamed, M.H. and Mokheimer, E., 2019. Solar-Assisted Liquid Desiccant Dehumidification Using Hollow-Fiber and Parallel-Plate Membrane Dehumidifiers: Comparative Analysis. Journal of Energy Resources Technology141(12).
  • Mohamed Mahmoud, Olalekan S. Aladea, Mohamed Hamdy, Shirish Patila, Esmail M.A. Mokheimer, In situ steam and nitrogen gas generation by thermochemical fluid Injection: A new approach for heavy oil recovery, Energy Conversion and Management 202 (2019) 112203. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enconman.2019.112203
  • Moussa, T., Mahmoud, M., Mokheimer, E., Al-Shehri, D. and Patil, S., 2019. Heavy Oil Recovery Using In Situ Steam Generated by Thermochemicals: A Numerical Simulation Study. Journal of Energy Resources Technology, 141(12).
  • Alazazmeh, A.J., Mokheimer, E., Khaliq, A. and Qureshi, B.A., 2019. Performance analysis of a solar-powered multi-effect refrigeration system. Journal of Energy Resources Technology, 141(7).
  • Khaliq, A., Mokheimer, E.M. and Yaqub, M., 2019. Thermodynamic investigations on a novel solar powered trigeneration energy system. Energy Conversion and Management, 188, pp.398-413.
  • Alkhulaifi, Y., Mokheimer, E. and H AlSadah, J., 2019. Performance Optimization of Mechanical Vapor Compression Desalination System Using a Water-Injected Twin-Screw Compressor. Journal of Energy Resources Technology, 141(4).
  • Hamanah, W.M., Kassas, M., Mokheimer, E.M., Ahmed, C.B. and Said, S.A.M., 2019. Comparison of energy consumption for residential thermal models with actual measurements. Journal of Energy Resources Technology, 141(3), p.032002.
  • Moussa, T., Mahmoud, M., Mokheimer, E., Habib, M.A. and Elkatatny, S., 2019. Well-Placement Optimization in Heavy Oil Reservoirs Using a Novel Method of In Situ Steam Generation. Journal of Energy Resources Technology, 141(3).
  • Mokheimer, E., Hamdy, M., Abubakar, Z., Shakeel, M.R., Habib, M.A. and Mahmoud, M., 2019. A Comprehensive Review of Thermal Enhanced Oil Recovery: Techniques Evaluation. Journal of Energy Resources Technology, 141(3).
  • Sanusi, Y.S. and Mokheimer, E.M., 2019. Thermo-economic optimization of hydrogen production in a membrane-SMR integrated to ITM-oxy-combustion plant using genetic algorithm. Applied Energy, 235, pp.164-176.
  • Mokheimer, E.M. and Dabwan, Y.N., 2019. Performance Analysis of Integrated Solar Tower With a Conventional Heat and Power Co-Generation Plant. Journal of Energy Resources Technology, 141(2), p.021201.
  • Sanusi, Y.S. and Mokheimer, E.M., 2019. Performance analysis of a membrane‐based reformer‐combustor reactor for hydrogen generation. International Journal of Energy Research, 43(1), pp.189-203.
  • Abubakar, Z., Shakeel, M.R. and Mokheimer, E.M., 2018. Experimental and numerical analysis of non-premixed oxy-combustion of hydrogen-enriched propane in a swirl stabilized combustor. Energy, 165, pp.1401-1414.
  • Khaliq, A., Kumar, R. and Mokheimer, E.M., 2018. Investigation on a solar thermal power and ejector-absorption refrigeration system based on first and second law analyses. Energy164, pp.1030-1043.
  • Abdel Rahman, A. and Mokheimer, E., 2018. Comparative Analysis of Different Inlet Air Cooling Technologies Including Solar Energy to Boost Gas Turbine Combined Cycles in Hot Regions. Journal of Energy Resources Technology, 140(11).
  • Shakeel, M.R., Sanusi, Y.S. and Mokheimer, E.M., 2018. Numerical modeling of oxy-methane combustion in a model gas turbine combustor. Applied energy, 228, pp.68-81.
  • Abubakar, Z., Sanusi, S.Y. and Mokheimer, E.M., 2018. Experimental Analysis of the Stability and Combustion Characteristics of Propane–Oxyfuel and Propane–Air Flames in a Non-premixed, Swirl-Stabilized Combustor. Energy & fuels, 32(8), pp.8837-8844.
  • Abubakar, Z. and Mokheimer, E.M., 2018. Numerical Study of the Combustion Characteristics of Propane–Oxyfuel Flames with CO2 Dilution. Energy & fuels, 32(6), pp.7188-7198.
  • Moussa, T., Mahmoud, M., Mokheimer, E., Habib, M.A. and Elkatatny, S., 2019. Well-Placement Optimization in Heavy Oil Reservoirs Using a Novel Method of In Situ Steam Generation. Journal of Energy Resources Technology, 141(3).
  • Khaliq, A., Mokheimer, E.M. and Kumar, R., 2018. Energy and exergy analyses of a solar powered multi-effect cooling cycle. International Journal of Exergy, 27(4), pp.500-526.
  • Taamallah, S., Vogiatzaki, K., Alzahrani, F.M., Mokheimer, E.M.A., Habib, M.A. and Ghoniem, A.F., 2018. Fuel flexibility, stability and emissions in premixed hydrogen-rich gas turbine combustion: Technology, fundamentals, and numerical simulations (vol 154, pg 1020, 2015). Applied Energy, 219, pp.426-426.

Representative Patents

  • Mokheimer, E.M.A., Sanusi, Y.S. and Habib, M.A., King Fahd University of Petroleum, 2020. Process for generating power and hydrogen gas. U.S. Patent 10,597,292.
  • Al-Azazmeh, A.J., Antar, M.A. and Mokheimer, E.M.A., King Fahd University of Petroleum, 2020. Integrated system with an absorption refrigeration subsystem and a desalination subsystem. U.S. Patent 10,532,936.
  • Mokheimer, E.M.A., Sanusi, Y.S. and Habib, M.A., King Fahd University of Petroleum, 2019. System for cogeneration of power and hydrogen. U.S. Patent 10,189,709.
  • Mokheimer, E.M. and Sanusi, Y.S., King Fahd University of Petroleum, 2019. Combustor with adjustable swirler and a combustion system. U.S. Patent 10,480,403.
  • Mokheimer, E.M.A. and Habib, M.A.A., King Fahd University of Petroleum, 2019. Solar assisted gas turbine desalination and carbon capture system. U.S. Patent 10,408,128.
  • Alsadah, J.H. and Mokheimer, E.M., King Fahd University of Petroleum, 2019. Heat exchanger cleaning system with cable and turbine rotation. U.S. Patent 10,175,010.
  • Alsadah, J.H. and Mokheimer, E.M., King Fahd University of Petroleum, 2018. Online heat exchanger cleaning system with connected cleaning elements. U.S. Patent 10,030,921.
  • Mokheimer, E.M.A. and Habib, M.A.A.M., King Fahd University of Petroleum, 2017. Hybrid solar thermal enhanced oil recovery system with oxy-fuel combustor. U.S. Patent 9,845,667.
  • Alazazmeh, A.J.A.M. and Mokheimer, E.M.A., King Fahd University of Petroleum, 2017. Evaporative condenser cooling system. U.S. Patent 9,835,342.
  • Mokheimer, E.M.A. and Habib, M.A.A.M., King Fahd University of Petroleum, 2017. Hybrid solar thermal enhanced oil recovery system with oxy-fuel combustor. U.S. Patent 9,845,667.
  • Habib, M.A.A.M. and Mokheimer, E.M.A., King Fahd University of Petroleum, 2017. Solar power and ion transport-based enhanced oil recovery system and method. U.S. Patent 9,540,918.
  • Mokheimer, E.M. and Habib, M.A.A., King Fahd University of Petroleum, 2014. Integrated solar-gas turbine cogeneration plant. U.S. Patent 8,893,505.
  • Habib, M.A.A. and Mokheimer, E.M., King Fahd University of Petroleum, 2014. Oxygen transport reactor-based oven. U.S. Patent 8,820,312.

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