


Ph.D.                Material Science (Corrosion & Electrochemistry), Feb. 2008, Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology (KAIST), South Korea

M.Sc.               Material Science (Solidification), August 2003, Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology (KAIST), South Korea

B.Sc                 Metallurgical Engineering, August 1999, University of Engineering and Technology (UET), Lahore, Pakistan.                                     

Courses Taught

  • ME 216:            Material Science and Engineering for Mechanical Engineers (Lecture)
  • ME 217:            Material Science and Engineering for Mechanical Engineers (Lab)
  • ME 205:            Introduction to Material Science (Lecture)
  • ME 472:            Corrosion Engineering 1(Lecture-Undergraduate)
  • ME 575:            Advanced Corrosion Engineering (Graduate standing)
  • MSE 502           Thermodynamics of Materials

Research Areas
  • Corrosion/Electrochemistry/Environmental Induced cracking
  • Corrosion Resistant Alloy Development/ Casting/Powder Metallurgy
  • Metallurgy and Mechanical Behavior of Materials
  • Corrosion Mitigation Strategies (Coatings for corrosion & wear resistance)
  • Solid Particle Erosion and Erosion Corrosion/Flow accelerated corrosion (CO2 Corrosion)

Representative  Publications
Journal Papers


  • H. Daraghma, MA Samad, IH Toor, FM Abdallah and F. Patel, "Tribological Characterization of Ni-Free Duplex Stainless Steel Alloys Using the Taguchi Methodology", Metals 2020, 10, 339; doi:10.3390/met10030339
  • FM Abdallah and Ihsan-ul-Haq Toor, "Evaluation of Pitting Susceptibility and Secondary Phase Formation in Newly Designed Ni-Free (Fe–16Cr–1Mo–1Si–0.2N–xMn–xCu) Duplex Stainless Steel Alloys", Arab J Sci Eng (2019), https://doi.org/10.1007/s13369-019-04098-w
  • Sultan Akhtar, Tahar Laoui, Ahmed Ibrahim, A.Madhan Kumar, Junaid Ahmed, and Ihsan-ul-Haq Toor, " Few-Layers Graphene Film and Copper Surface Morphology for Improved Corrosion Protection of Copper", Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, August, 2019,  https://doi.org/10.1007/s11665-019-04268-9
  • A. Ismail, H. M. Irshad, A. Zeino and I. H. Toor, "Electrochemical Corrosion Performance of Aromatic Functionalized Imidazole Inhibitor Under Hydrodynamic Conditions on API X65 Carbon Steel in 1 M HCl Solution", Arab J Sci Eng (2019). https://doi.org/10.1007/s13369-019-03745-6
  • IH TOOR, M. Irshad, HM Badr and MA Samad; The Effect of Impingement Velocity and Angle Variation on the Erosion Corrosion Performance of API 5L-X65 Carbon Steel in a Flow Loop, Metals 2018, 8(6), 402; https://doi.org/10.3390/met8060402
  • J. Ahmed, IH Toor and N. Al-Aqeeli, "Effect of sintering temperature on the corrosion properties of nano-structured Fe-18Cr-2Si alloy prepared by SPS", Materials & Corrosion, 68, Issue 3 (2017), 361–367.
  •  IH Toor, BS Yilbas, J. Ahmed and Cihan Karatas, "Laser gas assisted treatment of steel 309: Corrosion and scratch resistance of treated surface", Optics and Laser Technology, Accepted 2 May 2017, Available online 11 May 2017
  • IH Toor "Effect of Sintering Holding Time on the Corrosion Properties of Nano-Structured Fe-18Cr-2Si Alloy Prepared by SPS", Int. J. Electrochem. Sci., 11(2016)2897-2908
  • IH Toor, J. Ahmed, MA Hussein and  N. Al-Aqeeli, "Optimization of process parameters for spark plasma sintering of nano-structured ferritic Fe-18Cr-2Si alloy", Powder Technology, 299, ( May 2016)62-70
  • IH Toor, J. Ahmed, MA Hussein, F. Patel and  N. Al-Aqeeli, "Phase evolution studies during mechanical alloying of Fe(82-x)-Cr18-Six (x = 0, 1, 2, 3) alloy", Journal of Alloys and Compounds 683 (2016),463-469, May 2016
  • B. S. Yilbas,  IH Toor, C. Karatas, J. Malik and , I. Ovali "Laser treatment of dual matrix structured cast iron surface: Corrosion resistance of surface", Optics and Lasers in Engineering, Vol. 64, (2015), pp. 17-22
  • M.A. Nemitallah, R. Ben-Mansour, M.A. Habib, W.H. Ahmed, I.H. Toor, Z.M. Gasem and H.M. Badr, Solid Particle Erosion Downstream of an Orifice, Journal of Fluids Engineering, Vol. 137, 021302-1 (2015)
  • J. Malik, I.H. Toor, W.H. Ahmed, Z.M. Gasem, M.A. Habib, R. Ben-Mansour and H.M. Badr, Investigations on the Corrosion-Enhanced Erosion Behavior of Carbon Steel AISI 1020",  Int. J. Electrochem. Sci., Int. J. Electrochem. Sci., 9 (2014) 6765 – 6780
  • B. S. Yilbas,  IH Toor and J. Malik, "Corrosion Resistance of Laser Treated Titanium Alloy with Presence of B4C Particles at Surface", International Journal of Materials Research,  Vol. 105, No. 10, pp. 975-982
  • B. S. Yilbas,  IH Toor and J. Malik, "Laser surface treatment of aluminum composite: surface characteristics", Science and Engineering of Composite Materials, 2016, 23(5), 495-503
  • B. S. Yilbas, I. H. Toor,  J.Malik and F. Patel., "Laser treatment of high strength low alloy steel and electrochemical response of the surface", Industrial Lubrication and Tribology, Vol.67, Issue 2 (2015)pp. 166-171
  • IH Toor, "Repassivation kinetics and its role in SCC prediction-A Review", Int. J. Electrochem. Sci., 9(2014), pp. 2737-2755
  • IH Toor, " Effect of Mn content and solution annealing emperature on the corrosion resistance of stainless steel alloys", Journal of Chemistry, Volume 2014, Article ID 951471, 8 pages, http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2014/95147
  • J. Malik, I.H. Toor, W.H. Ahmed, Z.M. Gasem, M.A. Habib, R. Ben-Mansour and H.M. Badr, Evaluating the Effect of Hardness on Erosion Characteristics of Aluminum and Steels, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, Vol. 23 (2014) pp. 2274-2288, DOI: 10.1007/s11665-014-1004-x
  • B. S. Yilbas, I. H. Toor,  J. Malik and F. Patel, " Laser gas assisted treatment of AISI H12 tool steel and corrosion properties", Optics and Lasers in Engineering, Vol. 54, (2014), pp. 8-13..
  • B. S. Yilbas, I. H. Toor,  Patel F., Al-Shehri Y., and Baig M.A., "HVOF diamalloy 2002 coating of steel surface: residual stress analysis and electrochemical testing of surfaces", Industrial Lubrication and Tribology, Vol.67, Issue 2 (2015)pp. 119-123.
  • I.H. Toor, B. S. Yilbas,  C. Karatas, M.A.Hussein and M.N.Zafar, Electrochemical investigations on the effect of different laser surface treatments on hastelloy G alloy International Journal of Materials Research: Vol. 104, No. 10, pp. 1007-1012.
  • B. S. Yilbas, I. H. Toor, Jahanzaib malik, F. Patel and C. Karatas, "Electrochemical Testing of Laser Treated Bronze Surface", Journal of alloys and compounds, 563 (2013) 180-185.
  • Kkoch Nim, I.H.Toor, Ahn soohoon and H.S.Kwon, "Effects of Cu on the passive film stability of Fe–20Cr–xCu (x = 0, 2, 4 wt.%) alloys in H2SO4 solution", Electrochimica Acta 88 (2013) 170–176.
  • B. S. Yilbas, I. H. Toor,  F. Patel and M.M.A. Baig, "Laser Re-melting of HVOF Coating: Electrochemical testing of Surfaces", Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance,  22 (5), (2013), pp 1505-1511.
  • Kkoch Nim, I.H.Toor, Ahn soohoon and H.S.Kwon, "Influence of Cu on the Passivation Behavior of Fe-20Cr-xCu (x=0, 2, 4 wt.%) Alloys in Sulfuric Acid", CORROSION, Vol. 69, No. 6 (2013), pp. 560-567.
  • B. S. Yilbas, I. H. Toor, C. Karatas, F. Patel and M.M.A. Baig, "Laser treatment of A286 superalloy: corrosion resistance of the treated surface", Surface and Interface Analysis, Vol. 44  (2012), pp. 1364-1369.
  • I.H.Toor, M.Ejaz and H.S.Kwon, "Effect of TiO2 on the Repassivation kinetics of Alloy 600 in Caustic Solutions", CORROSION, 69, (2013), pp. 590-567.
  • N-Aqeeli and IH Toor, "Comparison of corrosion behavior of electrochemically deposited Nano Cobalt Coated Ni sheet, Journal of Chemistry, Vol. 2013 (2013), Article ID 543676, 6 pages, http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2013/543676
  • IH Toor, M. Ejaz and HS Kwon, "Mott-Schottky analysis of passive films on Cu containing Fe-20Cr-xCu (x=0, 4) alloys", Corrosion engineering science and technology,( 2014), pp. 1-6, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1179/1743278214Y.0000000154.
  • IH Toor, "Evaluation of Corrosion Performance of Two High Mn Stainless Steel Alloys", Int. J. Mater. Res. (formerly Z. Metallkd.), 105 (2014),pp. 1–6, DOI 10.3139/146.111035
  • I.H.Toor, "Effect Mott-Schottky Analysis of passive films on Si containing stainless steel alloys", Journal of The Electrochemical Society, Volume 158, Number 11, (2011), C391-395
  • IH Toor, and Hyuk Sang Kwon "Effects of Si on the Repassivation Kinetics and SCC Susceptibility of Stainless Steels", J. Electrochem. Soc. 155 (2008), pp. C495-C500
  • IH Toor,, Park Jung Hyun and Hyuk Sang Kwon "Development of High Mn-N Duplex Stainless Steel for Automobile Structural Components", Corrosion Science 50 (2008), pp. 404-410
  • IH Toor,, Kyung Jin Park and Hyuk Sang Kwon "Manganese Effects on Repassivation Kinetics and SCC Susceptibility of High Mn–N Austenitic Stainless Steel Alloys", J. Electrochem. Soc. 154 (2007), pp. C494-C499
  • IH Toor, Jae-Sik Shin  and  Zin-Hyoung Lee, "Computer Aided Cooling Curve Analysis of Aluminum Alloy A356", METALS AND MATERIALS International, Vol. 10 (2004), pp. 89-96.


Conference Papers 

  • Farid Abdallah and IH Toor; Biocompatibility of nickel free duplex stainless steel in simulated body fluid solution", 6th international conference on "Multifunctional, Hyrid and Nanomaterials", 11-15 March 2019, Sitges, Spain
  • Ali Al-Saharia, Abdelkader Meroufela, Ihsan Ul-Haq Toor and Abdularahmane Alenazia, "ACCELERATED AGEING OF REHABILITATION COATINGS IN SOIL SIMULATING SOLUTION", NACE Milano Italia Section; Conference and Expo 2018, NACE CORROSION ITALY SECTION At: GENOA
  • Nabeel Ahmed, IH Toor, Farid Abdallah and J. Ahmed, " Investigating the Effect of Heat Treatment on the Corrosion Performance of Fe-18Cr-X (0, 4) Si Stainless Steel Alloys , 17th Middle East Corrosion Conference, [MECCOCT18-12569]
  •  Farid Abdallah and IH Toor, " Investigation on the effect of agitated conditions (rotation speed, rpm) and influence Nevamine-CP20 inhibitor on electrochemical properties of Duplex Stainless Steel alloys and 304SS" , 17th MECC 2018 [MECCOCT18-12584],
  • A. Ismail, HM Irshad and IH Toor," Electrochemical corrosion performance evaluation of imidazole inhibitor under dynamic conditions for API 65 carbon steel in chloride solutions", Accepted for 17th Middle East Corrosion Conference, 2018  [MECCOCT18-12607]
  • H Toor  "Effect of Copper Solute Concentration on the Corrosion Behavior of Fe-20Cr-xCu Alloys" 15th Middle East Corrosion Conference & Exhibition, Paper No. 14210 ( 2014), pp. 1-10
  • IH Toor  and Zuhair M. Gasem, "Problem of stress corrosion cracking and its prediction based on repassivation kinetics", 14th Middle East Corrosion Conference, Paper No. 134-CR-19, (2012), pp. 1-17
  • J. Ahmad, IH Toor, M.R.Yousaf, H.R.Hayat, and M.O.Lari, "Effect of Heat Treatment on the Electrochemical Properties of Galvaanneal Steel in Stripping Solution", approved for 16TH MECC to be held from 8~11 Feb, Manama, Bahrain [MECCFEB16-8203]
  • U.B. Asim , A.K. Sheikh and IH Toor, " Corrosion Behavior of Spin Cast Zamak Alloy in Epsom Salt Bath for Oil and Gas Applications", approved for 16TH MECC to be held from 8~11 Feb, Manama, Bahrain  [MECCFEB16-7966]
  • IH Toor, N. Ahmad, Z. Iqbal, H. Z. Shafi , and H.M.Irshad "Comparison of corrosion behavior of commercial stainless steels with and without Si addition", approved for 16TH MECC to be held from 8~11 Feb, Manama, Bahrain [MECCFEB16-8179]

  • Electrochemical investigations on the role of Si in ferritic stainless steel alloys (PI-KFUPM/Sep. 2012-Dec. 2014) P# IN-111048
  • Development of austenitic stainless steels with PM routes and their Electrochemical investigations (PI-KFUPM/March 2013-May 2015) P#IN-121033
  • Experimental and computational investigation of erosion-corrosion in piping systems(CO-I, NSTIP/March 2012-May 2014) P#11-ADV1619-04


  • Member of corrosion science society of Korea
  • Member of National association of corrosion ​engineers (Membership No. 314800)
  • Member of Electrochemical Society (Membership No. 350799)

ME, KFUPM Bldg-63, Room # 358 966-3-860 7493 966-3-860 2949 (ME Dept) ihsan@kfupm.edu.sa



Ph.D.                Material Science (Corrosion & Electrochemistry), Feb. 2008, Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology (KAIST), South Korea

M.Sc.               Material Science (Solidification), August 2003, Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology (KAIST), South Korea

B.Sc                 Metallurgical Engineering, August 1999, University of Engineering and Technology (UET), Lahore, Pakistan.                                     

Courses Taught

  • ME 216:            Material Science and Engineering for Mechanical Engineers (Lecture)
  • ME 217:            Material Science and Engineering for Mechanical Engineers (Lab)
  • ME 205:            Introduction to Material Science (Lecture)
  • ME 472:            Corrosion Engineering 1(Lecture-Undergraduate)
  • ME 575:            Advanced Corrosion Engineering (Graduate standing)
  • MSE 502           Thermodynamics of Materials

Research Areas
  • Corrosion/Electrochemistry/Environmental Induced cracking
  • Corrosion Resistant Alloy Development/ Casting/Powder Metallurgy
  • Metallurgy and Mechanical Behavior of Materials
  • Corrosion Mitigation Strategies (Coatings for corrosion & wear resistance)
  • Solid Particle Erosion and Erosion Corrosion/Flow accelerated corrosion (CO2 Corrosion)

Representative  Publications
Journal Papers


  • H. Daraghma, MA Samad, IH Toor, FM Abdallah and F. Patel, "Tribological Characterization of Ni-Free Duplex Stainless Steel Alloys Using the Taguchi Methodology", Metals 2020, 10, 339; doi:10.3390/met10030339
  • FM Abdallah and Ihsan-ul-Haq Toor, "Evaluation of Pitting Susceptibility and Secondary Phase Formation in Newly Designed Ni-Free (Fe–16Cr–1Mo–1Si–0.2N–xMn–xCu) Duplex Stainless Steel Alloys", Arab J Sci Eng (2019), https://doi.org/10.1007/s13369-019-04098-w
  • Sultan Akhtar, Tahar Laoui, Ahmed Ibrahim, A.Madhan Kumar, Junaid Ahmed, and Ihsan-ul-Haq Toor, " Few-Layers Graphene Film and Copper Surface Morphology for Improved Corrosion Protection of Copper", Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, August, 2019,  https://doi.org/10.1007/s11665-019-04268-9
  • A. Ismail, H. M. Irshad, A. Zeino and I. H. Toor, "Electrochemical Corrosion Performance of Aromatic Functionalized Imidazole Inhibitor Under Hydrodynamic Conditions on API X65 Carbon Steel in 1 M HCl Solution", Arab J Sci Eng (2019). https://doi.org/10.1007/s13369-019-03745-6
  • IH TOOR, M. Irshad, HM Badr and MA Samad; The Effect of Impingement Velocity and Angle Variation on the Erosion Corrosion Performance of API 5L-X65 Carbon Steel in a Flow Loop, Metals 2018, 8(6), 402; https://doi.org/10.3390/met8060402
  • J. Ahmed, IH Toor and N. Al-Aqeeli, "Effect of sintering temperature on the corrosion properties of nano-structured Fe-18Cr-2Si alloy prepared by SPS", Materials & Corrosion, 68, Issue 3 (2017), 361–367.
  •  IH Toor, BS Yilbas, J. Ahmed and Cihan Karatas, "Laser gas assisted treatment of steel 309: Corrosion and scratch resistance of treated surface", Optics and Laser Technology, Accepted 2 May 2017, Available online 11 May 2017
  • IH Toor "Effect of Sintering Holding Time on the Corrosion Properties of Nano-Structured Fe-18Cr-2Si Alloy Prepared by SPS", Int. J. Electrochem. Sci., 11(2016)2897-2908
  • IH Toor, J. Ahmed, MA Hussein and  N. Al-Aqeeli, "Optimization of process parameters for spark plasma sintering of nano-structured ferritic Fe-18Cr-2Si alloy", Powder Technology, 299, ( May 2016)62-70
  • IH Toor, J. Ahmed, MA Hussein, F. Patel and  N. Al-Aqeeli, "Phase evolution studies during mechanical alloying of Fe(82-x)-Cr18-Six (x = 0, 1, 2, 3) alloy", Journal of Alloys and Compounds 683 (2016),463-469, May 2016
  • B. S. Yilbas,  IH Toor, C. Karatas, J. Malik and , I. Ovali "Laser treatment of dual matrix structured cast iron surface: Corrosion resistance of surface", Optics and Lasers in Engineering, Vol. 64, (2015), pp. 17-22
  • M.A. Nemitallah, R. Ben-Mansour, M.A. Habib, W.H. Ahmed, I.H. Toor, Z.M. Gasem and H.M. Badr, Solid Particle Erosion Downstream of an Orifice, Journal of Fluids Engineering, Vol. 137, 021302-1 (2015)
  • J. Malik, I.H. Toor, W.H. Ahmed, Z.M. Gasem, M.A. Habib, R. Ben-Mansour and H.M. Badr, Investigations on the Corrosion-Enhanced Erosion Behavior of Carbon Steel AISI 1020",  Int. J. Electrochem. Sci., Int. J. Electrochem. Sci., 9 (2014) 6765 – 6780
  • B. S. Yilbas,  IH Toor and J. Malik, "Corrosion Resistance of Laser Treated Titanium Alloy with Presence of B4C Particles at Surface", International Journal of Materials Research,  Vol. 105, No. 10, pp. 975-982
  • B. S. Yilbas,  IH Toor and J. Malik, "Laser surface treatment of aluminum composite: surface characteristics", Science and Engineering of Composite Materials, 2016, 23(5), 495-503
  • B. S. Yilbas, I. H. Toor,  J.Malik and F. Patel., "Laser treatment of high strength low alloy steel and electrochemical response of the surface", Industrial Lubrication and Tribology, Vol.67, Issue 2 (2015)pp. 166-171
  • IH Toor, "Repassivation kinetics and its role in SCC prediction-A Review", Int. J. Electrochem. Sci., 9(2014), pp. 2737-2755
  • IH Toor, " Effect of Mn content and solution annealing emperature on the corrosion resistance of stainless steel alloys", Journal of Chemistry, Volume 2014, Article ID 951471, 8 pages, http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2014/95147
  • J. Malik, I.H. Toor, W.H. Ahmed, Z.M. Gasem, M.A. Habib, R. Ben-Mansour and H.M. Badr, Evaluating the Effect of Hardness on Erosion Characteristics of Aluminum and Steels, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, Vol. 23 (2014) pp. 2274-2288, DOI: 10.1007/s11665-014-1004-x
  • B. S. Yilbas, I. H. Toor,  J. Malik and F. Patel, " Laser gas assisted treatment of AISI H12 tool steel and corrosion properties", Optics and Lasers in Engineering, Vol. 54, (2014), pp. 8-13..
  • B. S. Yilbas, I. H. Toor,  Patel F., Al-Shehri Y., and Baig M.A., "HVOF diamalloy 2002 coating of steel surface: residual stress analysis and electrochemical testing of surfaces", Industrial Lubrication and Tribology, Vol.67, Issue 2 (2015)pp. 119-123.
  • I.H. Toor, B. S. Yilbas,  C. Karatas, M.A.Hussein and M.N.Zafar, Electrochemical investigations on the effect of different laser surface treatments on hastelloy G alloy International Journal of Materials Research: Vol. 104, No. 10, pp. 1007-1012.
  • B. S. Yilbas, I. H. Toor, Jahanzaib malik, F. Patel and C. Karatas, "Electrochemical Testing of Laser Treated Bronze Surface", Journal of alloys and compounds, 563 (2013) 180-185.
  • Kkoch Nim, I.H.Toor, Ahn soohoon and H.S.Kwon, "Effects of Cu on the passive film stability of Fe–20Cr–xCu (x = 0, 2, 4 wt.%) alloys in H2SO4 solution", Electrochimica Acta 88 (2013) 170–176.
  • B. S. Yilbas, I. H. Toor,  F. Patel and M.M.A. Baig, "Laser Re-melting of HVOF Coating: Electrochemical testing of Surfaces", Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance,  22 (5), (2013), pp 1505-1511.
  • Kkoch Nim, I.H.Toor, Ahn soohoon and H.S.Kwon, "Influence of Cu on the Passivation Behavior of Fe-20Cr-xCu (x=0, 2, 4 wt.%) Alloys in Sulfuric Acid", CORROSION, Vol. 69, No. 6 (2013), pp. 560-567.
  • B. S. Yilbas, I. H. Toor, C. Karatas, F. Patel and M.M.A. Baig, "Laser treatment of A286 superalloy: corrosion resistance of the treated surface", Surface and Interface Analysis, Vol. 44  (2012), pp. 1364-1369.
  • I.H.Toor, M.Ejaz and H.S.Kwon, "Effect of TiO2 on the Repassivation kinetics of Alloy 600 in Caustic Solutions", CORROSION, 69, (2013), pp. 590-567.
  • N-Aqeeli and IH Toor, "Comparison of corrosion behavior of electrochemically deposited Nano Cobalt Coated Ni sheet, Journal of Chemistry, Vol. 2013 (2013), Article ID 543676, 6 pages, http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2013/543676
  • IH Toor, M. Ejaz and HS Kwon, "Mott-Schottky analysis of passive films on Cu containing Fe-20Cr-xCu (x=0, 4) alloys", Corrosion engineering science and technology,( 2014), pp. 1-6, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1179/1743278214Y.0000000154.
  • IH Toor, "Evaluation of Corrosion Performance of Two High Mn Stainless Steel Alloys", Int. J. Mater. Res. (formerly Z. Metallkd.), 105 (2014),pp. 1–6, DOI 10.3139/146.111035
  • I.H.Toor, "Effect Mott-Schottky Analysis of passive films on Si containing stainless steel alloys", Journal of The Electrochemical Society, Volume 158, Number 11, (2011), C391-395
  • IH Toor, and Hyuk Sang Kwon "Effects of Si on the Repassivation Kinetics and SCC Susceptibility of Stainless Steels", J. Electrochem. Soc. 155 (2008), pp. C495-C500
  • IH Toor,, Park Jung Hyun and Hyuk Sang Kwon "Development of High Mn-N Duplex Stainless Steel for Automobile Structural Components", Corrosion Science 50 (2008), pp. 404-410
  • IH Toor,, Kyung Jin Park and Hyuk Sang Kwon "Manganese Effects on Repassivation Kinetics and SCC Susceptibility of High Mn–N Austenitic Stainless Steel Alloys", J. Electrochem. Soc. 154 (2007), pp. C494-C499
  • IH Toor, Jae-Sik Shin  and  Zin-Hyoung Lee, "Computer Aided Cooling Curve Analysis of Aluminum Alloy A356", METALS AND MATERIALS International, Vol. 10 (2004), pp. 89-96.


Conference Papers 

  • Farid Abdallah and IH Toor; Biocompatibility of nickel free duplex stainless steel in simulated body fluid solution", 6th international conference on "Multifunctional, Hyrid and Nanomaterials", 11-15 March 2019, Sitges, Spain
  • Ali Al-Saharia, Abdelkader Meroufela, Ihsan Ul-Haq Toor and Abdularahmane Alenazia, "ACCELERATED AGEING OF REHABILITATION COATINGS IN SOIL SIMULATING SOLUTION", NACE Milano Italia Section; Conference and Expo 2018, NACE CORROSION ITALY SECTION At: GENOA
  • Nabeel Ahmed, IH Toor, Farid Abdallah and J. Ahmed, " Investigating the Effect of Heat Treatment on the Corrosion Performance of Fe-18Cr-X (0, 4) Si Stainless Steel Alloys , 17th Middle East Corrosion Conference, [MECCOCT18-12569]
  •  Farid Abdallah and IH Toor, " Investigation on the effect of agitated conditions (rotation speed, rpm) and influence Nevamine-CP20 inhibitor on electrochemical properties of Duplex Stainless Steel alloys and 304SS" , 17th MECC 2018 [MECCOCT18-12584],
  • A. Ismail, HM Irshad and IH Toor," Electrochemical corrosion performance evaluation of imidazole inhibitor under dynamic conditions for API 65 carbon steel in chloride solutions", Accepted for 17th Middle East Corrosion Conference, 2018  [MECCOCT18-12607]
  • H Toor  "Effect of Copper Solute Concentration on the Corrosion Behavior of Fe-20Cr-xCu Alloys" 15th Middle East Corrosion Conference & Exhibition, Paper No. 14210 ( 2014), pp. 1-10
  • IH Toor  and Zuhair M. Gasem, "Problem of stress corrosion cracking and its prediction based on repassivation kinetics", 14th Middle East Corrosion Conference, Paper No. 134-CR-19, (2012), pp. 1-17
  • J. Ahmad, IH Toor, M.R.Yousaf, H.R.Hayat, and M.O.Lari, "Effect of Heat Treatment on the Electrochemical Properties of Galvaanneal Steel in Stripping Solution", approved for 16TH MECC to be held from 8~11 Feb, Manama, Bahrain [MECCFEB16-8203]
  • U.B. Asim , A.K. Sheikh and IH Toor, " Corrosion Behavior of Spin Cast Zamak Alloy in Epsom Salt Bath for Oil and Gas Applications", approved for 16TH MECC to be held from 8~11 Feb, Manama, Bahrain  [MECCFEB16-7966]
  • IH Toor, N. Ahmad, Z. Iqbal, H. Z. Shafi , and H.M.Irshad "Comparison of corrosion behavior of commercial stainless steels with and without Si addition", approved for 16TH MECC to be held from 8~11 Feb, Manama, Bahrain [MECCFEB16-8179]

  • Electrochemical investigations on the role of Si in ferritic stainless steel alloys (PI-KFUPM/Sep. 2012-Dec. 2014) P# IN-111048
  • Development of austenitic stainless steels with PM routes and their Electrochemical investigations (PI-KFUPM/March 2013-May 2015) P#IN-121033
  • Experimental and computational investigation of erosion-corrosion in piping systems(CO-I, NSTIP/March 2012-May 2014) P#11-ADV1619-04


  • Member of corrosion science society of Korea
  • Member of National association of corrosion ​engineers (Membership No. 314800)
  • Member of Electrochemical Society (Membership No. 350799)

ME, KFUPM Bldg-63, Room # 358 966-3-860 7493 966-3-860 2949 (ME Dept) ihsan@kfupm.edu.sa

Associate Professor


Ph.D.                Material Science (Corrosion & Electrochemistry), Feb. 2008, Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology (KAIST), South Korea

M.Sc.               Material Science (Solidification), August 2003, Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology (KAIST), South Korea

B.Sc                 Metallurgical Engineering, August 1999, University of Engineering and Technology (UET), Lahore, Pakistan.                                     

Courses Taught

  • ME 216:            Material Science and Engineering for Mechanical Engineers (Lecture)
  • ME 217:            Material Science and Engineering for Mechanical Engineers (Lab)
  • ME 205:            Introduction to Material Science (Lecture)
  • ME 472:            Corrosion Engineering 1(Lecture-Undergraduate)
  • ME 575:            Advanced Corrosion Engineering (Graduate standing)
  • MSE 502           Thermodynamics of Materials

Research Areas
  • Corrosion/Electrochemistry/Environmental Induced cracking
  • Corrosion Resistant Alloy Development/ Casting/Powder Metallurgy
  • Metallurgy and Mechanical Behavior of Materials
  • Corrosion Mitigation Strategies (Coatings for corrosion & wear resistance)
  • Solid Particle Erosion and Erosion Corrosion/Flow accelerated corrosion (CO2 Corrosion)

Representative  Publications
Journal Papers


  • H. Daraghma, MA Samad, IH Toor, FM Abdallah and F. Patel, "Tribological Characterization of Ni-Free Duplex Stainless Steel Alloys Using the Taguchi Methodology", Metals 2020, 10, 339; doi:10.3390/met10030339
  • FM Abdallah and Ihsan-ul-Haq Toor, "Evaluation of Pitting Susceptibility and Secondary Phase Formation in Newly Designed Ni-Free (Fe–16Cr–1Mo–1Si–0.2N–xMn–xCu) Duplex Stainless Steel Alloys", Arab J Sci Eng (2019), https://doi.org/10.1007/s13369-019-04098-w
  • Sultan Akhtar, Tahar Laoui, Ahmed Ibrahim, A.Madhan Kumar, Junaid Ahmed, and Ihsan-ul-Haq Toor, " Few-Layers Graphene Film and Copper Surface Morphology for Improved Corrosion Protection of Copper", Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, August, 2019,  https://doi.org/10.1007/s11665-019-04268-9
  • A. Ismail, H. M. Irshad, A. Zeino and I. H. Toor, "Electrochemical Corrosion Performance of Aromatic Functionalized Imidazole Inhibitor Under Hydrodynamic Conditions on API X65 Carbon Steel in 1 M HCl Solution", Arab J Sci Eng (2019). https://doi.org/10.1007/s13369-019-03745-6
  • IH TOOR, M. Irshad, HM Badr and MA Samad; The Effect of Impingement Velocity and Angle Variation on the Erosion Corrosion Performance of API 5L-X65 Carbon Steel in a Flow Loop, Metals 2018, 8(6), 402; https://doi.org/10.3390/met8060402
  • J. Ahmed, IH Toor and N. Al-Aqeeli, "Effect of sintering temperature on the corrosion properties of nano-structured Fe-18Cr-2Si alloy prepared by SPS", Materials & Corrosion, 68, Issue 3 (2017), 361–367.
  •  IH Toor, BS Yilbas, J. Ahmed and Cihan Karatas, "Laser gas assisted treatment of steel 309: Corrosion and scratch resistance of treated surface", Optics and Laser Technology, Accepted 2 May 2017, Available online 11 May 2017
  • IH Toor "Effect of Sintering Holding Time on the Corrosion Properties of Nano-Structured Fe-18Cr-2Si Alloy Prepared by SPS", Int. J. Electrochem. Sci., 11(2016)2897-2908
  • IH Toor, J. Ahmed, MA Hussein and  N. Al-Aqeeli, "Optimization of process parameters for spark plasma sintering of nano-structured ferritic Fe-18Cr-2Si alloy", Powder Technology, 299, ( May 2016)62-70
  • IH Toor, J. Ahmed, MA Hussein, F. Patel and  N. Al-Aqeeli, "Phase evolution studies during mechanical alloying of Fe(82-x)-Cr18-Six (x = 0, 1, 2, 3) alloy", Journal of Alloys and Compounds 683 (2016),463-469, May 2016
  • B. S. Yilbas,  IH Toor, C. Karatas, J. Malik and , I. Ovali "Laser treatment of dual matrix structured cast iron surface: Corrosion resistance of surface", Optics and Lasers in Engineering, Vol. 64, (2015), pp. 17-22
  • M.A. Nemitallah, R. Ben-Mansour, M.A. Habib, W.H. Ahmed, I.H. Toor, Z.M. Gasem and H.M. Badr, Solid Particle Erosion Downstream of an Orifice, Journal of Fluids Engineering, Vol. 137, 021302-1 (2015)
  • J. Malik, I.H. Toor, W.H. Ahmed, Z.M. Gasem, M.A. Habib, R. Ben-Mansour and H.M. Badr, Investigations on the Corrosion-Enhanced Erosion Behavior of Carbon Steel AISI 1020",  Int. J. Electrochem. Sci., Int. J. Electrochem. Sci., 9 (2014) 6765 – 6780
  • B. S. Yilbas,  IH Toor and J. Malik, "Corrosion Resistance of Laser Treated Titanium Alloy with Presence of B4C Particles at Surface", International Journal of Materials Research,  Vol. 105, No. 10, pp. 975-982
  • B. S. Yilbas,  IH Toor and J. Malik, "Laser surface treatment of aluminum composite: surface characteristics", Science and Engineering of Composite Materials, 2016, 23(5), 495-503
  • B. S. Yilbas, I. H. Toor,  J.Malik and F. Patel., "Laser treatment of high strength low alloy steel and electrochemical response of the surface", Industrial Lubrication and Tribology, Vol.67, Issue 2 (2015)pp. 166-171
  • IH Toor, "Repassivation kinetics and its role in SCC prediction-A Review", Int. J. Electrochem. Sci., 9(2014), pp. 2737-2755
  • IH Toor, " Effect of Mn content and solution annealing emperature on the corrosion resistance of stainless steel alloys", Journal of Chemistry, Volume 2014, Article ID 951471, 8 pages, http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2014/95147
  • J. Malik, I.H. Toor, W.H. Ahmed, Z.M. Gasem, M.A. Habib, R. Ben-Mansour and H.M. Badr, Evaluating the Effect of Hardness on Erosion Characteristics of Aluminum and Steels, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, Vol. 23 (2014) pp. 2274-2288, DOI: 10.1007/s11665-014-1004-x
  • B. S. Yilbas, I. H. Toor,  J. Malik and F. Patel, " Laser gas assisted treatment of AISI H12 tool steel and corrosion properties", Optics and Lasers in Engineering, Vol. 54, (2014), pp. 8-13..
  • B. S. Yilbas, I. H. Toor,  Patel F., Al-Shehri Y., and Baig M.A., "HVOF diamalloy 2002 coating of steel surface: residual stress analysis and electrochemical testing of surfaces", Industrial Lubrication and Tribology, Vol.67, Issue 2 (2015)pp. 119-123.
  • I.H. Toor, B. S. Yilbas,  C. Karatas, M.A.Hussein and M.N.Zafar, Electrochemical investigations on the effect of different laser surface treatments on hastelloy G alloy International Journal of Materials Research: Vol. 104, No. 10, pp. 1007-1012.
  • B. S. Yilbas, I. H. Toor, Jahanzaib malik, F. Patel and C. Karatas, "Electrochemical Testing of Laser Treated Bronze Surface", Journal of alloys and compounds, 563 (2013) 180-185.
  • Kkoch Nim, I.H.Toor, Ahn soohoon and H.S.Kwon, "Effects of Cu on the passive film stability of Fe–20Cr–xCu (x = 0, 2, 4 wt.%) alloys in H2SO4 solution", Electrochimica Acta 88 (2013) 170–176.
  • B. S. Yilbas, I. H. Toor,  F. Patel and M.M.A. Baig, "Laser Re-melting of HVOF Coating: Electrochemical testing of Surfaces", Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance,  22 (5), (2013), pp 1505-1511.
  • Kkoch Nim, I.H.Toor, Ahn soohoon and H.S.Kwon, "Influence of Cu on the Passivation Behavior of Fe-20Cr-xCu (x=0, 2, 4 wt.%) Alloys in Sulfuric Acid", CORROSION, Vol. 69, No. 6 (2013), pp. 560-567.
  • B. S. Yilbas, I. H. Toor, C. Karatas, F. Patel and M.M.A. Baig, "Laser treatment of A286 superalloy: corrosion resistance of the treated surface", Surface and Interface Analysis, Vol. 44  (2012), pp. 1364-1369.
  • I.H.Toor, M.Ejaz and H.S.Kwon, "Effect of TiO2 on the Repassivation kinetics of Alloy 600 in Caustic Solutions", CORROSION, 69, (2013), pp. 590-567.
  • N-Aqeeli and IH Toor, "Comparison of corrosion behavior of electrochemically deposited Nano Cobalt Coated Ni sheet, Journal of Chemistry, Vol. 2013 (2013), Article ID 543676, 6 pages, http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2013/543676
  • IH Toor, M. Ejaz and HS Kwon, "Mott-Schottky analysis of passive films on Cu containing Fe-20Cr-xCu (x=0, 4) alloys", Corrosion engineering science and technology,( 2014), pp. 1-6, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1179/1743278214Y.0000000154.
  • IH Toor, "Evaluation of Corrosion Performance of Two High Mn Stainless Steel Alloys", Int. J. Mater. Res. (formerly Z. Metallkd.), 105 (2014),pp. 1–6, DOI 10.3139/146.111035
  • I.H.Toor, "Effect Mott-Schottky Analysis of passive films on Si containing stainless steel alloys", Journal of The Electrochemical Society, Volume 158, Number 11, (2011), C391-395
  • IH Toor, and Hyuk Sang Kwon "Effects of Si on the Repassivation Kinetics and SCC Susceptibility of Stainless Steels", J. Electrochem. Soc. 155 (2008), pp. C495-C500
  • IH Toor,, Park Jung Hyun and Hyuk Sang Kwon "Development of High Mn-N Duplex Stainless Steel for Automobile Structural Components", Corrosion Science 50 (2008), pp. 404-410
  • IH Toor,, Kyung Jin Park and Hyuk Sang Kwon "Manganese Effects on Repassivation Kinetics and SCC Susceptibility of High Mn–N Austenitic Stainless Steel Alloys", J. Electrochem. Soc. 154 (2007), pp. C494-C499
  • IH Toor, Jae-Sik Shin  and  Zin-Hyoung Lee, "Computer Aided Cooling Curve Analysis of Aluminum Alloy A356", METALS AND MATERIALS International, Vol. 10 (2004), pp. 89-96.


Conference Papers 

  • Farid Abdallah and IH Toor; Biocompatibility of nickel free duplex stainless steel in simulated body fluid solution", 6th international conference on "Multifunctional, Hyrid and Nanomaterials", 11-15 March 2019, Sitges, Spain
  • Ali Al-Saharia, Abdelkader Meroufela, Ihsan Ul-Haq Toor and Abdularahmane Alenazia, "ACCELERATED AGEING OF REHABILITATION COATINGS IN SOIL SIMULATING SOLUTION", NACE Milano Italia Section; Conference and Expo 2018, NACE CORROSION ITALY SECTION At: GENOA
  • Nabeel Ahmed, IH Toor, Farid Abdallah and J. Ahmed, " Investigating the Effect of Heat Treatment on the Corrosion Performance of Fe-18Cr-X (0, 4) Si Stainless Steel Alloys , 17th Middle East Corrosion Conference, [MECCOCT18-12569]
  •  Farid Abdallah and IH Toor, " Investigation on the effect of agitated conditions (rotation speed, rpm) and influence Nevamine-CP20 inhibitor on electrochemical properties of Duplex Stainless Steel alloys and 304SS" , 17th MECC 2018 [MECCOCT18-12584],
  • A. Ismail, HM Irshad and IH Toor," Electrochemical corrosion performance evaluation of imidazole inhibitor under dynamic conditions for API 65 carbon steel in chloride solutions", Accepted for 17th Middle East Corrosion Conference, 2018  [MECCOCT18-12607]
  • H Toor  "Effect of Copper Solute Concentration on the Corrosion Behavior of Fe-20Cr-xCu Alloys" 15th Middle East Corrosion Conference & Exhibition, Paper No. 14210 ( 2014), pp. 1-10
  • IH Toor  and Zuhair M. Gasem, "Problem of stress corrosion cracking and its prediction based on repassivation kinetics", 14th Middle East Corrosion Conference, Paper No. 134-CR-19, (2012), pp. 1-17
  • J. Ahmad, IH Toor, M.R.Yousaf, H.R.Hayat, and M.O.Lari, "Effect of Heat Treatment on the Electrochemical Properties of Galvaanneal Steel in Stripping Solution", approved for 16TH MECC to be held from 8~11 Feb, Manama, Bahrain [MECCFEB16-8203]
  • U.B. Asim , A.K. Sheikh and IH Toor, " Corrosion Behavior of Spin Cast Zamak Alloy in Epsom Salt Bath for Oil and Gas Applications", approved for 16TH MECC to be held from 8~11 Feb, Manama, Bahrain  [MECCFEB16-7966]
  • IH Toor, N. Ahmad, Z. Iqbal, H. Z. Shafi , and H.M.Irshad "Comparison of corrosion behavior of commercial stainless steels with and without Si addition", approved for 16TH MECC to be held from 8~11 Feb, Manama, Bahrain [MECCFEB16-8179]

  • Electrochemical investigations on the role of Si in ferritic stainless steel alloys (PI-KFUPM/Sep. 2012-Dec. 2014) P# IN-111048
  • Development of austenitic stainless steels with PM routes and their Electrochemical investigations (PI-KFUPM/March 2013-May 2015) P#IN-121033
  • Experimental and computational investigation of erosion-corrosion in piping systems(CO-I, NSTIP/March 2012-May 2014) P#11-ADV1619-04


  • Member of corrosion science society of Korea
  • Member of National association of corrosion ​engineers (Membership No. 314800)
  • Member of Electrochemical Society (Membership No. 350799)

ME, KFUPM Bldg-63, Room # 358 966-3-860 7493 966-3-860 2949 (ME Dept) ihsan@kfupm.edu.sa

Assistant Professor


Ph.D.                Material Science (Corrosion & Electrochemistry), Feb. 2008, Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology (KAIST), South Korea

M.Sc.               Material Science (Solidification), August 2003, Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology (KAIST), South Korea

B.Sc                 Metallurgical Engineering, August 1999, University of Engineering and Technology (UET), Lahore, Pakistan.                                     

Courses Taught

  • ME 216:            Material Science and Engineering for Mechanical Engineers (Lecture)
  • ME 217:            Material Science and Engineering for Mechanical Engineers (Lab)
  • ME 205:            Introduction to Material Science (Lecture)
  • ME 472:            Corrosion Engineering 1(Lecture-Undergraduate)
  • ME 575:            Advanced Corrosion Engineering (Graduate standing)
  • MSE 502           Thermodynamics of Materials

Research Areas
  • Corrosion/Electrochemistry/Environmental Induced cracking
  • Corrosion Resistant Alloy Development/ Casting/Powder Metallurgy
  • Metallurgy and Mechanical Behavior of Materials
  • Corrosion Mitigation Strategies (Coatings for corrosion & wear resistance)
  • Solid Particle Erosion and Erosion Corrosion/Flow accelerated corrosion (CO2 Corrosion)

Representative  Publications
Journal Papers


  • H. Daraghma, MA Samad, IH Toor, FM Abdallah and F. Patel, "Tribological Characterization of Ni-Free Duplex Stainless Steel Alloys Using the Taguchi Methodology", Metals 2020, 10, 339; doi:10.3390/met10030339
  • FM Abdallah and Ihsan-ul-Haq Toor, "Evaluation of Pitting Susceptibility and Secondary Phase Formation in Newly Designed Ni-Free (Fe–16Cr–1Mo–1Si–0.2N–xMn–xCu) Duplex Stainless Steel Alloys", Arab J Sci Eng (2019), https://doi.org/10.1007/s13369-019-04098-w
  • Sultan Akhtar, Tahar Laoui, Ahmed Ibrahim, A.Madhan Kumar, Junaid Ahmed, and Ihsan-ul-Haq Toor, " Few-Layers Graphene Film and Copper Surface Morphology for Improved Corrosion Protection of Copper", Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, August, 2019,  https://doi.org/10.1007/s11665-019-04268-9
  • A. Ismail, H. M. Irshad, A. Zeino and I. H. Toor, "Electrochemical Corrosion Performance of Aromatic Functionalized Imidazole Inhibitor Under Hydrodynamic Conditions on API X65 Carbon Steel in 1 M HCl Solution", Arab J Sci Eng (2019). https://doi.org/10.1007/s13369-019-03745-6
  • IH TOOR, M. Irshad, HM Badr and MA Samad; The Effect of Impingement Velocity and Angle Variation on the Erosion Corrosion Performance of API 5L-X65 Carbon Steel in a Flow Loop, Metals 2018, 8(6), 402; https://doi.org/10.3390/met8060402
  • J. Ahmed, IH Toor and N. Al-Aqeeli, "Effect of sintering temperature on the corrosion properties of nano-structured Fe-18Cr-2Si alloy prepared by SPS", Materials & Corrosion, 68, Issue 3 (2017), 361–367.
  •  IH Toor, BS Yilbas, J. Ahmed and Cihan Karatas, "Laser gas assisted treatment of steel 309: Corrosion and scratch resistance of treated surface", Optics and Laser Technology, Accepted 2 May 2017, Available online 11 May 2017
  • IH Toor "Effect of Sintering Holding Time on the Corrosion Properties of Nano-Structured Fe-18Cr-2Si Alloy Prepared by SPS", Int. J. Electrochem. Sci., 11(2016)2897-2908
  • IH Toor, J. Ahmed, MA Hussein and  N. Al-Aqeeli, "Optimization of process parameters for spark plasma sintering of nano-structured ferritic Fe-18Cr-2Si alloy", Powder Technology, 299, ( May 2016)62-70
  • IH Toor, J. Ahmed, MA Hussein, F. Patel and  N. Al-Aqeeli, "Phase evolution studies during mechanical alloying of Fe(82-x)-Cr18-Six (x = 0, 1, 2, 3) alloy", Journal of Alloys and Compounds 683 (2016),463-469, May 2016
  • B. S. Yilbas,  IH Toor, C. Karatas, J. Malik and , I. Ovali "Laser treatment of dual matrix structured cast iron surface: Corrosion resistance of surface", Optics and Lasers in Engineering, Vol. 64, (2015), pp. 17-22
  • M.A. Nemitallah, R. Ben-Mansour, M.A. Habib, W.H. Ahmed, I.H. Toor, Z.M. Gasem and H.M. Badr, Solid Particle Erosion Downstream of an Orifice, Journal of Fluids Engineering, Vol. 137, 021302-1 (2015)
  • J. Malik, I.H. Toor, W.H. Ahmed, Z.M. Gasem, M.A. Habib, R. Ben-Mansour and H.M. Badr, Investigations on the Corrosion-Enhanced Erosion Behavior of Carbon Steel AISI 1020",  Int. J. Electrochem. Sci., Int. J. Electrochem. Sci., 9 (2014) 6765 – 6780
  • B. S. Yilbas,  IH Toor and J. Malik, "Corrosion Resistance of Laser Treated Titanium Alloy with Presence of B4C Particles at Surface", International Journal of Materials Research,  Vol. 105, No. 10, pp. 975-982
  • B. S. Yilbas,  IH Toor and J. Malik, "Laser surface treatment of aluminum composite: surface characteristics", Science and Engineering of Composite Materials, 2016, 23(5), 495-503
  • B. S. Yilbas, I. H. Toor,  J.Malik and F. Patel., "Laser treatment of high strength low alloy steel and electrochemical response of the surface", Industrial Lubrication and Tribology, Vol.67, Issue 2 (2015)pp. 166-171
  • IH Toor, "Repassivation kinetics and its role in SCC prediction-A Review", Int. J. Electrochem. Sci., 9(2014), pp. 2737-2755
  • IH Toor, " Effect of Mn content and solution annealing emperature on the corrosion resistance of stainless steel alloys", Journal of Chemistry, Volume 2014, Article ID 951471, 8 pages, http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2014/95147
  • J. Malik, I.H. Toor, W.H. Ahmed, Z.M. Gasem, M.A. Habib, R. Ben-Mansour and H.M. Badr, Evaluating the Effect of Hardness on Erosion Characteristics of Aluminum and Steels, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, Vol. 23 (2014) pp. 2274-2288, DOI: 10.1007/s11665-014-1004-x
  • B. S. Yilbas, I. H. Toor,  J. Malik and F. Patel, " Laser gas assisted treatment of AISI H12 tool steel and corrosion properties", Optics and Lasers in Engineering, Vol. 54, (2014), pp. 8-13..
  • B. S. Yilbas, I. H. Toor,  Patel F., Al-Shehri Y., and Baig M.A., "HVOF diamalloy 2002 coating of steel surface: residual stress analysis and electrochemical testing of surfaces", Industrial Lubrication and Tribology, Vol.67, Issue 2 (2015)pp. 119-123.
  • I.H. Toor, B. S. Yilbas,  C. Karatas, M.A.Hussein and M.N.Zafar, Electrochemical investigations on the effect of different laser surface treatments on hastelloy G alloy International Journal of Materials Research: Vol. 104, No. 10, pp. 1007-1012.
  • B. S. Yilbas, I. H. Toor, Jahanzaib malik, F. Patel and C. Karatas, "Electrochemical Testing of Laser Treated Bronze Surface", Journal of alloys and compounds, 563 (2013) 180-185.
  • Kkoch Nim, I.H.Toor, Ahn soohoon and H.S.Kwon, "Effects of Cu on the passive film stability of Fe–20Cr–xCu (x = 0, 2, 4 wt.%) alloys in H2SO4 solution", Electrochimica Acta 88 (2013) 170–176.
  • B. S. Yilbas, I. H. Toor,  F. Patel and M.M.A. Baig, "Laser Re-melting of HVOF Coating: Electrochemical testing of Surfaces", Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance,  22 (5), (2013), pp 1505-1511.
  • Kkoch Nim, I.H.Toor, Ahn soohoon and H.S.Kwon, "Influence of Cu on the Passivation Behavior of Fe-20Cr-xCu (x=0, 2, 4 wt.%) Alloys in Sulfuric Acid", CORROSION, Vol. 69, No. 6 (2013), pp. 560-567.
  • B. S. Yilbas, I. H. Toor, C. Karatas, F. Patel and M.M.A. Baig, "Laser treatment of A286 superalloy: corrosion resistance of the treated surface", Surface and Interface Analysis, Vol. 44  (2012), pp. 1364-1369.
  • I.H.Toor, M.Ejaz and H.S.Kwon, "Effect of TiO2 on the Repassivation kinetics of Alloy 600 in Caustic Solutions", CORROSION, 69, (2013), pp. 590-567.
  • N-Aqeeli and IH Toor, "Comparison of corrosion behavior of electrochemically deposited Nano Cobalt Coated Ni sheet, Journal of Chemistry, Vol. 2013 (2013), Article ID 543676, 6 pages, http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2013/543676
  • IH Toor, M. Ejaz and HS Kwon, "Mott-Schottky analysis of passive films on Cu containing Fe-20Cr-xCu (x=0, 4) alloys", Corrosion engineering science and technology,( 2014), pp. 1-6, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1179/1743278214Y.0000000154.
  • IH Toor, "Evaluation of Corrosion Performance of Two High Mn Stainless Steel Alloys", Int. J. Mater. Res. (formerly Z. Metallkd.), 105 (2014),pp. 1–6, DOI 10.3139/146.111035
  • I.H.Toor, "Effect Mott-Schottky Analysis of passive films on Si containing stainless steel alloys", Journal of The Electrochemical Society, Volume 158, Number 11, (2011), C391-395
  • IH Toor, and Hyuk Sang Kwon "Effects of Si on the Repassivation Kinetics and SCC Susceptibility of Stainless Steels", J. Electrochem. Soc. 155 (2008), pp. C495-C500
  • IH Toor,, Park Jung Hyun and Hyuk Sang Kwon "Development of High Mn-N Duplex Stainless Steel for Automobile Structural Components", Corrosion Science 50 (2008), pp. 404-410
  • IH Toor,, Kyung Jin Park and Hyuk Sang Kwon "Manganese Effects on Repassivation Kinetics and SCC Susceptibility of High Mn–N Austenitic Stainless Steel Alloys", J. Electrochem. Soc. 154 (2007), pp. C494-C499
  • IH Toor, Jae-Sik Shin  and  Zin-Hyoung Lee, "Computer Aided Cooling Curve Analysis of Aluminum Alloy A356", METALS AND MATERIALS International, Vol. 10 (2004), pp. 89-96.


Conference Papers 

  • Farid Abdallah and IH Toor; Biocompatibility of nickel free duplex stainless steel in simulated body fluid solution", 6th international conference on "Multifunctional, Hyrid and Nanomaterials", 11-15 March 2019, Sitges, Spain
  • Ali Al-Saharia, Abdelkader Meroufela, Ihsan Ul-Haq Toor and Abdularahmane Alenazia, "ACCELERATED AGEING OF REHABILITATION COATINGS IN SOIL SIMULATING SOLUTION", NACE Milano Italia Section; Conference and Expo 2018, NACE CORROSION ITALY SECTION At: GENOA
  • Nabeel Ahmed, IH Toor, Farid Abdallah and J. Ahmed, " Investigating the Effect of Heat Treatment on the Corrosion Performance of Fe-18Cr-X (0, 4) Si Stainless Steel Alloys , 17th Middle East Corrosion Conference, [MECCOCT18-12569]
  •  Farid Abdallah and IH Toor, " Investigation on the effect of agitated conditions (rotation speed, rpm) and influence Nevamine-CP20 inhibitor on electrochemical properties of Duplex Stainless Steel alloys and 304SS" , 17th MECC 2018 [MECCOCT18-12584],
  • A. Ismail, HM Irshad and IH Toor," Electrochemical corrosion performance evaluation of imidazole inhibitor under dynamic conditions for API 65 carbon steel in chloride solutions", Accepted for 17th Middle East Corrosion Conference, 2018  [MECCOCT18-12607]
  • H Toor  "Effect of Copper Solute Concentration on the Corrosion Behavior of Fe-20Cr-xCu Alloys" 15th Middle East Corrosion Conference & Exhibition, Paper No. 14210 ( 2014), pp. 1-10
  • IH Toor  and Zuhair M. Gasem, "Problem of stress corrosion cracking and its prediction based on repassivation kinetics", 14th Middle East Corrosion Conference, Paper No. 134-CR-19, (2012), pp. 1-17
  • J. Ahmad, IH Toor, M.R.Yousaf, H.R.Hayat, and M.O.Lari, "Effect of Heat Treatment on the Electrochemical Properties of Galvaanneal Steel in Stripping Solution", approved for 16TH MECC to be held from 8~11 Feb, Manama, Bahrain [MECCFEB16-8203]
  • U.B. Asim , A.K. Sheikh and IH Toor, " Corrosion Behavior of Spin Cast Zamak Alloy in Epsom Salt Bath for Oil and Gas Applications", approved for 16TH MECC to be held from 8~11 Feb, Manama, Bahrain  [MECCFEB16-7966]
  • IH Toor, N. Ahmad, Z. Iqbal, H. Z. Shafi , and H.M.Irshad "Comparison of corrosion behavior of commercial stainless steels with and without Si addition", approved for 16TH MECC to be held from 8~11 Feb, Manama, Bahrain [MECCFEB16-8179]

  • Electrochemical investigations on the role of Si in ferritic stainless steel alloys (PI-KFUPM/Sep. 2012-Dec. 2014) P# IN-111048
  • Development of austenitic stainless steels with PM routes and their Electrochemical investigations (PI-KFUPM/March 2013-May 2015) P#IN-121033
  • Experimental and computational investigation of erosion-corrosion in piping systems(CO-I, NSTIP/March 2012-May 2014) P#11-ADV1619-04


  • Member of corrosion science society of Korea
  • Member of National association of corrosion ​engineers (Membership No. 314800)
  • Member of Electrochemical Society (Membership No. 350799)

ME, KFUPM Bldg-63, Room # 358 966-3-860 7493 966-3-860 2949 (ME Dept) ihsan@kfupm.edu.sa



Ph.D.                Material Science (Corrosion & Electrochemistry), Feb. 2008, Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology (KAIST), South Korea

M.Sc.               Material Science (Solidification), August 2003, Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology (KAIST), South Korea

B.Sc                 Metallurgical Engineering, August 1999, University of Engineering and Technology (UET), Lahore, Pakistan.                                     

Courses Taught

  • ME 216:            Material Science and Engineering for Mechanical Engineers (Lecture)
  • ME 217:            Material Science and Engineering for Mechanical Engineers (Lab)
  • ME 205:            Introduction to Material Science (Lecture)
  • ME 472:            Corrosion Engineering 1(Lecture-Undergraduate)
  • ME 575:            Advanced Corrosion Engineering (Graduate standing)
  • MSE 502           Thermodynamics of Materials

Research Areas
  • Corrosion/Electrochemistry/Environmental Induced cracking
  • Corrosion Resistant Alloy Development/ Casting/Powder Metallurgy
  • Metallurgy and Mechanical Behavior of Materials
  • Corrosion Mitigation Strategies (Coatings for corrosion & wear resistance)
  • Solid Particle Erosion and Erosion Corrosion/Flow accelerated corrosion (CO2 Corrosion)

Representative  Publications
Journal Papers


  • H. Daraghma, MA Samad, IH Toor, FM Abdallah and F. Patel, "Tribological Characterization of Ni-Free Duplex Stainless Steel Alloys Using the Taguchi Methodology", Metals 2020, 10, 339; doi:10.3390/met10030339
  • FM Abdallah and Ihsan-ul-Haq Toor, "Evaluation of Pitting Susceptibility and Secondary Phase Formation in Newly Designed Ni-Free (Fe–16Cr–1Mo–1Si–0.2N–xMn–xCu) Duplex Stainless Steel Alloys", Arab J Sci Eng (2019), https://doi.org/10.1007/s13369-019-04098-w
  • Sultan Akhtar, Tahar Laoui, Ahmed Ibrahim, A.Madhan Kumar, Junaid Ahmed, and Ihsan-ul-Haq Toor, " Few-Layers Graphene Film and Copper Surface Morphology for Improved Corrosion Protection of Copper", Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, August, 2019,  https://doi.org/10.1007/s11665-019-04268-9
  • A. Ismail, H. M. Irshad, A. Zeino and I. H. Toor, "Electrochemical Corrosion Performance of Aromatic Functionalized Imidazole Inhibitor Under Hydrodynamic Conditions on API X65 Carbon Steel in 1 M HCl Solution", Arab J Sci Eng (2019). https://doi.org/10.1007/s13369-019-03745-6
  • IH TOOR, M. Irshad, HM Badr and MA Samad; The Effect of Impingement Velocity and Angle Variation on the Erosion Corrosion Performance of API 5L-X65 Carbon Steel in a Flow Loop, Metals 2018, 8(6), 402; https://doi.org/10.3390/met8060402
  • J. Ahmed, IH Toor and N. Al-Aqeeli, "Effect of sintering temperature on the corrosion properties of nano-structured Fe-18Cr-2Si alloy prepared by SPS", Materials & Corrosion, 68, Issue 3 (2017), 361–367.
  •  IH Toor, BS Yilbas, J. Ahmed and Cihan Karatas, "Laser gas assisted treatment of steel 309: Corrosion and scratch resistance of treated surface", Optics and Laser Technology, Accepted 2 May 2017, Available online 11 May 2017
  • IH Toor "Effect of Sintering Holding Time on the Corrosion Properties of Nano-Structured Fe-18Cr-2Si Alloy Prepared by SPS", Int. J. Electrochem. Sci., 11(2016)2897-2908
  • IH Toor, J. Ahmed, MA Hussein and  N. Al-Aqeeli, "Optimization of process parameters for spark plasma sintering of nano-structured ferritic Fe-18Cr-2Si alloy", Powder Technology, 299, ( May 2016)62-70
  • IH Toor, J. Ahmed, MA Hussein, F. Patel and  N. Al-Aqeeli, "Phase evolution studies during mechanical alloying of Fe(82-x)-Cr18-Six (x = 0, 1, 2, 3) alloy", Journal of Alloys and Compounds 683 (2016),463-469, May 2016
  • B. S. Yilbas,  IH Toor, C. Karatas, J. Malik and , I. Ovali "Laser treatment of dual matrix structured cast iron surface: Corrosion resistance of surface", Optics and Lasers in Engineering, Vol. 64, (2015), pp. 17-22
  • M.A. Nemitallah, R. Ben-Mansour, M.A. Habib, W.H. Ahmed, I.H. Toor, Z.M. Gasem and H.M. Badr, Solid Particle Erosion Downstream of an Orifice, Journal of Fluids Engineering, Vol. 137, 021302-1 (2015)
  • J. Malik, I.H. Toor, W.H. Ahmed, Z.M. Gasem, M.A. Habib, R. Ben-Mansour and H.M. Badr, Investigations on the Corrosion-Enhanced Erosion Behavior of Carbon Steel AISI 1020",  Int. J. Electrochem. Sci., Int. J. Electrochem. Sci., 9 (2014) 6765 – 6780
  • B. S. Yilbas,  IH Toor and J. Malik, "Corrosion Resistance of Laser Treated Titanium Alloy with Presence of B4C Particles at Surface", International Journal of Materials Research,  Vol. 105, No. 10, pp. 975-982
  • B. S. Yilbas,  IH Toor and J. Malik, "Laser surface treatment of aluminum composite: surface characteristics", Science and Engineering of Composite Materials, 2016, 23(5), 495-503
  • B. S. Yilbas, I. H. Toor,  J.Malik and F. Patel., "Laser treatment of high strength low alloy steel and electrochemical response of the surface", Industrial Lubrication and Tribology, Vol.67, Issue 2 (2015)pp. 166-171
  • IH Toor, "Repassivation kinetics and its role in SCC prediction-A Review", Int. J. Electrochem. Sci., 9(2014), pp. 2737-2755
  • IH Toor, " Effect of Mn content and solution annealing emperature on the corrosion resistance of stainless steel alloys", Journal of Chemistry, Volume 2014, Article ID 951471, 8 pages, http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2014/95147
  • J. Malik, I.H. Toor, W.H. Ahmed, Z.M. Gasem, M.A. Habib, R. Ben-Mansour and H.M. Badr, Evaluating the Effect of Hardness on Erosion Characteristics of Aluminum and Steels, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, Vol. 23 (2014) pp. 2274-2288, DOI: 10.1007/s11665-014-1004-x
  • B. S. Yilbas, I. H. Toor,  J. Malik and F. Patel, " Laser gas assisted treatment of AISI H12 tool steel and corrosion properties", Optics and Lasers in Engineering, Vol. 54, (2014), pp. 8-13..
  • B. S. Yilbas, I. H. Toor,  Patel F., Al-Shehri Y., and Baig M.A., "HVOF diamalloy 2002 coating of steel surface: residual stress analysis and electrochemical testing of surfaces", Industrial Lubrication and Tribology, Vol.67, Issue 2 (2015)pp. 119-123.
  • I.H. Toor, B. S. Yilbas,  C. Karatas, M.A.Hussein and M.N.Zafar, Electrochemical investigations on the effect of different laser surface treatments on hastelloy G alloy International Journal of Materials Research: Vol. 104, No. 10, pp. 1007-1012.
  • B. S. Yilbas, I. H. Toor, Jahanzaib malik, F. Patel and C. Karatas, "Electrochemical Testing of Laser Treated Bronze Surface", Journal of alloys and compounds, 563 (2013) 180-185.
  • Kkoch Nim, I.H.Toor, Ahn soohoon and H.S.Kwon, "Effects of Cu on the passive film stability of Fe–20Cr–xCu (x = 0, 2, 4 wt.%) alloys in H2SO4 solution", Electrochimica Acta 88 (2013) 170–176.
  • B. S. Yilbas, I. H. Toor,  F. Patel and M.M.A. Baig, "Laser Re-melting of HVOF Coating: Electrochemical testing of Surfaces", Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance,  22 (5), (2013), pp 1505-1511.
  • Kkoch Nim, I.H.Toor, Ahn soohoon and H.S.Kwon, "Influence of Cu on the Passivation Behavior of Fe-20Cr-xCu (x=0, 2, 4 wt.%) Alloys in Sulfuric Acid", CORROSION, Vol. 69, No. 6 (2013), pp. 560-567.
  • B. S. Yilbas, I. H. Toor, C. Karatas, F. Patel and M.M.A. Baig, "Laser treatment of A286 superalloy: corrosion resistance of the treated surface", Surface and Interface Analysis, Vol. 44  (2012), pp. 1364-1369.
  • I.H.Toor, M.Ejaz and H.S.Kwon, "Effect of TiO2 on the Repassivation kinetics of Alloy 600 in Caustic Solutions", CORROSION, 69, (2013), pp. 590-567.
  • N-Aqeeli and IH Toor, "Comparison of corrosion behavior of electrochemically deposited Nano Cobalt Coated Ni sheet, Journal of Chemistry, Vol. 2013 (2013), Article ID 543676, 6 pages, http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2013/543676
  • IH Toor, M. Ejaz and HS Kwon, "Mott-Schottky analysis of passive films on Cu containing Fe-20Cr-xCu (x=0, 4) alloys", Corrosion engineering science and technology,( 2014), pp. 1-6, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1179/1743278214Y.0000000154.
  • IH Toor, "Evaluation of Corrosion Performance of Two High Mn Stainless Steel Alloys", Int. J. Mater. Res. (formerly Z. Metallkd.), 105 (2014),pp. 1–6, DOI 10.3139/146.111035
  • I.H.Toor, "Effect Mott-Schottky Analysis of passive films on Si containing stainless steel alloys", Journal of The Electrochemical Society, Volume 158, Number 11, (2011), C391-395
  • IH Toor, and Hyuk Sang Kwon "Effects of Si on the Repassivation Kinetics and SCC Susceptibility of Stainless Steels", J. Electrochem. Soc. 155 (2008), pp. C495-C500
  • IH Toor,, Park Jung Hyun and Hyuk Sang Kwon "Development of High Mn-N Duplex Stainless Steel for Automobile Structural Components", Corrosion Science 50 (2008), pp. 404-410
  • IH Toor,, Kyung Jin Park and Hyuk Sang Kwon "Manganese Effects on Repassivation Kinetics and SCC Susceptibility of High Mn–N Austenitic Stainless Steel Alloys", J. Electrochem. Soc. 154 (2007), pp. C494-C499
  • IH Toor, Jae-Sik Shin  and  Zin-Hyoung Lee, "Computer Aided Cooling Curve Analysis of Aluminum Alloy A356", METALS AND MATERIALS International, Vol. 10 (2004), pp. 89-96.


Conference Papers 

  • Farid Abdallah and IH Toor; Biocompatibility of nickel free duplex stainless steel in simulated body fluid solution", 6th international conference on "Multifunctional, Hyrid and Nanomaterials", 11-15 March 2019, Sitges, Spain
  • Ali Al-Saharia, Abdelkader Meroufela, Ihsan Ul-Haq Toor and Abdularahmane Alenazia, "ACCELERATED AGEING OF REHABILITATION COATINGS IN SOIL SIMULATING SOLUTION", NACE Milano Italia Section; Conference and Expo 2018, NACE CORROSION ITALY SECTION At: GENOA
  • Nabeel Ahmed, IH Toor, Farid Abdallah and J. Ahmed, " Investigating the Effect of Heat Treatment on the Corrosion Performance of Fe-18Cr-X (0, 4) Si Stainless Steel Alloys , 17th Middle East Corrosion Conference, [MECCOCT18-12569]
  •  Farid Abdallah and IH Toor, " Investigation on the effect of agitated conditions (rotation speed, rpm) and influence Nevamine-CP20 inhibitor on electrochemical properties of Duplex Stainless Steel alloys and 304SS" , 17th MECC 2018 [MECCOCT18-12584],
  • A. Ismail, HM Irshad and IH Toor," Electrochemical corrosion performance evaluation of imidazole inhibitor under dynamic conditions for API 65 carbon steel in chloride solutions", Accepted for 17th Middle East Corrosion Conference, 2018  [MECCOCT18-12607]
  • H Toor  "Effect of Copper Solute Concentration on the Corrosion Behavior of Fe-20Cr-xCu Alloys" 15th Middle East Corrosion Conference & Exhibition, Paper No. 14210 ( 2014), pp. 1-10
  • IH Toor  and Zuhair M. Gasem, "Problem of stress corrosion cracking and its prediction based on repassivation kinetics", 14th Middle East Corrosion Conference, Paper No. 134-CR-19, (2012), pp. 1-17
  • J. Ahmad, IH Toor, M.R.Yousaf, H.R.Hayat, and M.O.Lari, "Effect of Heat Treatment on the Electrochemical Properties of Galvaanneal Steel in Stripping Solution", approved for 16TH MECC to be held from 8~11 Feb, Manama, Bahrain [MECCFEB16-8203]
  • U.B. Asim , A.K. Sheikh and IH Toor, " Corrosion Behavior of Spin Cast Zamak Alloy in Epsom Salt Bath for Oil and Gas Applications", approved for 16TH MECC to be held from 8~11 Feb, Manama, Bahrain  [MECCFEB16-7966]
  • IH Toor, N. Ahmad, Z. Iqbal, H. Z. Shafi , and H.M.Irshad "Comparison of corrosion behavior of commercial stainless steels with and without Si addition", approved for 16TH MECC to be held from 8~11 Feb, Manama, Bahrain [MECCFEB16-8179]

  • Electrochemical investigations on the role of Si in ferritic stainless steel alloys (PI-KFUPM/Sep. 2012-Dec. 2014) P# IN-111048
  • Development of austenitic stainless steels with PM routes and their Electrochemical investigations (PI-KFUPM/March 2013-May 2015) P#IN-121033
  • Experimental and computational investigation of erosion-corrosion in piping systems(CO-I, NSTIP/March 2012-May 2014) P#11-ADV1619-04


  • Member of corrosion science society of Korea
  • Member of National association of corrosion ​engineers (Membership No. 314800)
  • Member of Electrochemical Society (Membership No. 350799)

ME, KFUPM Bldg-63, Room # 358 966-3-860 7493 966-3-860 2949 (ME Dept) ihsan@kfupm.edu.sa

Graduate Assistants


Ph.D.                Material Science (Corrosion & Electrochemistry), Feb. 2008, Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology (KAIST), South Korea

M.Sc.               Material Science (Solidification), August 2003, Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology (KAIST), South Korea

B.Sc                 Metallurgical Engineering, August 1999, University of Engineering and Technology (UET), Lahore, Pakistan.                                     

Courses Taught

  • ME 216:            Material Science and Engineering for Mechanical Engineers (Lecture)
  • ME 217:            Material Science and Engineering for Mechanical Engineers (Lab)
  • ME 205:            Introduction to Material Science (Lecture)
  • ME 472:            Corrosion Engineering 1(Lecture-Undergraduate)
  • ME 575:            Advanced Corrosion Engineering (Graduate standing)
  • MSE 502           Thermodynamics of Materials

Research Areas
  • Corrosion/Electrochemistry/Environmental Induced cracking
  • Corrosion Resistant Alloy Development/ Casting/Powder Metallurgy
  • Metallurgy and Mechanical Behavior of Materials
  • Corrosion Mitigation Strategies (Coatings for corrosion & wear resistance)
  • Solid Particle Erosion and Erosion Corrosion/Flow accelerated corrosion (CO2 Corrosion)

Representative  Publications
Journal Papers


  • H. Daraghma, MA Samad, IH Toor, FM Abdallah and F. Patel, "Tribological Characterization of Ni-Free Duplex Stainless Steel Alloys Using the Taguchi Methodology", Metals 2020, 10, 339; doi:10.3390/met10030339
  • FM Abdallah and Ihsan-ul-Haq Toor, "Evaluation of Pitting Susceptibility and Secondary Phase Formation in Newly Designed Ni-Free (Fe–16Cr–1Mo–1Si–0.2N–xMn–xCu) Duplex Stainless Steel Alloys", Arab J Sci Eng (2019), https://doi.org/10.1007/s13369-019-04098-w
  • Sultan Akhtar, Tahar Laoui, Ahmed Ibrahim, A.Madhan Kumar, Junaid Ahmed, and Ihsan-ul-Haq Toor, " Few-Layers Graphene Film and Copper Surface Morphology for Improved Corrosion Protection of Copper", Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, August, 2019,  https://doi.org/10.1007/s11665-019-04268-9
  • A. Ismail, H. M. Irshad, A. Zeino and I. H. Toor, "Electrochemical Corrosion Performance of Aromatic Functionalized Imidazole Inhibitor Under Hydrodynamic Conditions on API X65 Carbon Steel in 1 M HCl Solution", Arab J Sci Eng (2019). https://doi.org/10.1007/s13369-019-03745-6
  • IH TOOR, M. Irshad, HM Badr and MA Samad; The Effect of Impingement Velocity and Angle Variation on the Erosion Corrosion Performance of API 5L-X65 Carbon Steel in a Flow Loop, Metals 2018, 8(6), 402; https://doi.org/10.3390/met8060402
  • J. Ahmed, IH Toor and N. Al-Aqeeli, "Effect of sintering temperature on the corrosion properties of nano-structured Fe-18Cr-2Si alloy prepared by SPS", Materials & Corrosion, 68, Issue 3 (2017), 361–367.
  •  IH Toor, BS Yilbas, J. Ahmed and Cihan Karatas, "Laser gas assisted treatment of steel 309: Corrosion and scratch resistance of treated surface", Optics and Laser Technology, Accepted 2 May 2017, Available online 11 May 2017
  • IH Toor "Effect of Sintering Holding Time on the Corrosion Properties of Nano-Structured Fe-18Cr-2Si Alloy Prepared by SPS", Int. J. Electrochem. Sci., 11(2016)2897-2908
  • IH Toor, J. Ahmed, MA Hussein and  N. Al-Aqeeli, "Optimization of process parameters for spark plasma sintering of nano-structured ferritic Fe-18Cr-2Si alloy", Powder Technology, 299, ( May 2016)62-70
  • IH Toor, J. Ahmed, MA Hussein, F. Patel and  N. Al-Aqeeli, "Phase evolution studies during mechanical alloying of Fe(82-x)-Cr18-Six (x = 0, 1, 2, 3) alloy", Journal of Alloys and Compounds 683 (2016),463-469, May 2016
  • B. S. Yilbas,  IH Toor, C. Karatas, J. Malik and , I. Ovali "Laser treatment of dual matrix structured cast iron surface: Corrosion resistance of surface", Optics and Lasers in Engineering, Vol. 64, (2015), pp. 17-22
  • M.A. Nemitallah, R. Ben-Mansour, M.A. Habib, W.H. Ahmed, I.H. Toor, Z.M. Gasem and H.M. Badr, Solid Particle Erosion Downstream of an Orifice, Journal of Fluids Engineering, Vol. 137, 021302-1 (2015)
  • J. Malik, I.H. Toor, W.H. Ahmed, Z.M. Gasem, M.A. Habib, R. Ben-Mansour and H.M. Badr, Investigations on the Corrosion-Enhanced Erosion Behavior of Carbon Steel AISI 1020",  Int. J. Electrochem. Sci., Int. J. Electrochem. Sci., 9 (2014) 6765 – 6780
  • B. S. Yilbas,  IH Toor and J. Malik, "Corrosion Resistance of Laser Treated Titanium Alloy with Presence of B4C Particles at Surface", International Journal of Materials Research,  Vol. 105, No. 10, pp. 975-982
  • B. S. Yilbas,  IH Toor and J. Malik, "Laser surface treatment of aluminum composite: surface characteristics", Science and Engineering of Composite Materials, 2016, 23(5), 495-503
  • B. S. Yilbas, I. H. Toor,  J.Malik and F. Patel., "Laser treatment of high strength low alloy steel and electrochemical response of the surface", Industrial Lubrication and Tribology, Vol.67, Issue 2 (2015)pp. 166-171
  • IH Toor, "Repassivation kinetics and its role in SCC prediction-A Review", Int. J. Electrochem. Sci., 9(2014), pp. 2737-2755
  • IH Toor, " Effect of Mn content and solution annealing emperature on the corrosion resistance of stainless steel alloys", Journal of Chemistry, Volume 2014, Article ID 951471, 8 pages, http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2014/95147
  • J. Malik, I.H. Toor, W.H. Ahmed, Z.M. Gasem, M.A. Habib, R. Ben-Mansour and H.M. Badr, Evaluating the Effect of Hardness on Erosion Characteristics of Aluminum and Steels, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, Vol. 23 (2014) pp. 2274-2288, DOI: 10.1007/s11665-014-1004-x
  • B. S. Yilbas, I. H. Toor,  J. Malik and F. Patel, " Laser gas assisted treatment of AISI H12 tool steel and corrosion properties", Optics and Lasers in Engineering, Vol. 54, (2014), pp. 8-13..
  • B. S. Yilbas, I. H. Toor,  Patel F., Al-Shehri Y., and Baig M.A., "HVOF diamalloy 2002 coating of steel surface: residual stress analysis and electrochemical testing of surfaces", Industrial Lubrication and Tribology, Vol.67, Issue 2 (2015)pp. 119-123.
  • I.H. Toor, B. S. Yilbas,  C. Karatas, M.A.Hussein and M.N.Zafar, Electrochemical investigations on the effect of different laser surface treatments on hastelloy G alloy International Journal of Materials Research: Vol. 104, No. 10, pp. 1007-1012.
  • B. S. Yilbas, I. H. Toor, Jahanzaib malik, F. Patel and C. Karatas, "Electrochemical Testing of Laser Treated Bronze Surface", Journal of alloys and compounds, 563 (2013) 180-185.
  • Kkoch Nim, I.H.Toor, Ahn soohoon and H.S.Kwon, "Effects of Cu on the passive film stability of Fe–20Cr–xCu (x = 0, 2, 4 wt.%) alloys in H2SO4 solution", Electrochimica Acta 88 (2013) 170–176.
  • B. S. Yilbas, I. H. Toor,  F. Patel and M.M.A. Baig, "Laser Re-melting of HVOF Coating: Electrochemical testing of Surfaces", Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance,  22 (5), (2013), pp 1505-1511.
  • Kkoch Nim, I.H.Toor, Ahn soohoon and H.S.Kwon, "Influence of Cu on the Passivation Behavior of Fe-20Cr-xCu (x=0, 2, 4 wt.%) Alloys in Sulfuric Acid", CORROSION, Vol. 69, No. 6 (2013), pp. 560-567.
  • B. S. Yilbas, I. H. Toor, C. Karatas, F. Patel and M.M.A. Baig, "Laser treatment of A286 superalloy: corrosion resistance of the treated surface", Surface and Interface Analysis, Vol. 44  (2012), pp. 1364-1369.
  • I.H.Toor, M.Ejaz and H.S.Kwon, "Effect of TiO2 on the Repassivation kinetics of Alloy 600 in Caustic Solutions", CORROSION, 69, (2013), pp. 590-567.
  • N-Aqeeli and IH Toor, "Comparison of corrosion behavior of electrochemically deposited Nano Cobalt Coated Ni sheet, Journal of Chemistry, Vol. 2013 (2013), Article ID 543676, 6 pages, http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2013/543676
  • IH Toor, M. Ejaz and HS Kwon, "Mott-Schottky analysis of passive films on Cu containing Fe-20Cr-xCu (x=0, 4) alloys", Corrosion engineering science and technology,( 2014), pp. 1-6, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1179/1743278214Y.0000000154.
  • IH Toor, "Evaluation of Corrosion Performance of Two High Mn Stainless Steel Alloys", Int. J. Mater. Res. (formerly Z. Metallkd.), 105 (2014),pp. 1–6, DOI 10.3139/146.111035
  • I.H.Toor, "Effect Mott-Schottky Analysis of passive films on Si containing stainless steel alloys", Journal of The Electrochemical Society, Volume 158, Number 11, (2011), C391-395
  • IH Toor, and Hyuk Sang Kwon "Effects of Si on the Repassivation Kinetics and SCC Susceptibility of Stainless Steels", J. Electrochem. Soc. 155 (2008), pp. C495-C500
  • IH Toor,, Park Jung Hyun and Hyuk Sang Kwon "Development of High Mn-N Duplex Stainless Steel for Automobile Structural Components", Corrosion Science 50 (2008), pp. 404-410
  • IH Toor,, Kyung Jin Park and Hyuk Sang Kwon "Manganese Effects on Repassivation Kinetics and SCC Susceptibility of High Mn–N Austenitic Stainless Steel Alloys", J. Electrochem. Soc. 154 (2007), pp. C494-C499
  • IH Toor, Jae-Sik Shin  and  Zin-Hyoung Lee, "Computer Aided Cooling Curve Analysis of Aluminum Alloy A356", METALS AND MATERIALS International, Vol. 10 (2004), pp. 89-96.


Conference Papers 

  • Farid Abdallah and IH Toor; Biocompatibility of nickel free duplex stainless steel in simulated body fluid solution", 6th international conference on "Multifunctional, Hyrid and Nanomaterials", 11-15 March 2019, Sitges, Spain
  • Ali Al-Saharia, Abdelkader Meroufela, Ihsan Ul-Haq Toor and Abdularahmane Alenazia, "ACCELERATED AGEING OF REHABILITATION COATINGS IN SOIL SIMULATING SOLUTION", NACE Milano Italia Section; Conference and Expo 2018, NACE CORROSION ITALY SECTION At: GENOA
  • Nabeel Ahmed, IH Toor, Farid Abdallah and J. Ahmed, " Investigating the Effect of Heat Treatment on the Corrosion Performance of Fe-18Cr-X (0, 4) Si Stainless Steel Alloys , 17th Middle East Corrosion Conference, [MECCOCT18-12569]
  •  Farid Abdallah and IH Toor, " Investigation on the effect of agitated conditions (rotation speed, rpm) and influence Nevamine-CP20 inhibitor on electrochemical properties of Duplex Stainless Steel alloys and 304SS" , 17th MECC 2018 [MECCOCT18-12584],
  • A. Ismail, HM Irshad and IH Toor," Electrochemical corrosion performance evaluation of imidazole inhibitor under dynamic conditions for API 65 carbon steel in chloride solutions", Accepted for 17th Middle East Corrosion Conference, 2018  [MECCOCT18-12607]
  • H Toor  "Effect of Copper Solute Concentration on the Corrosion Behavior of Fe-20Cr-xCu Alloys" 15th Middle East Corrosion Conference & Exhibition, Paper No. 14210 ( 2014), pp. 1-10
  • IH Toor  and Zuhair M. Gasem, "Problem of stress corrosion cracking and its prediction based on repassivation kinetics", 14th Middle East Corrosion Conference, Paper No. 134-CR-19, (2012), pp. 1-17
  • J. Ahmad, IH Toor, M.R.Yousaf, H.R.Hayat, and M.O.Lari, "Effect of Heat Treatment on the Electrochemical Properties of Galvaanneal Steel in Stripping Solution", approved for 16TH MECC to be held from 8~11 Feb, Manama, Bahrain [MECCFEB16-8203]
  • U.B. Asim , A.K. Sheikh and IH Toor, " Corrosion Behavior of Spin Cast Zamak Alloy in Epsom Salt Bath for Oil and Gas Applications", approved for 16TH MECC to be held from 8~11 Feb, Manama, Bahrain  [MECCFEB16-7966]
  • IH Toor, N. Ahmad, Z. Iqbal, H. Z. Shafi , and H.M.Irshad "Comparison of corrosion behavior of commercial stainless steels with and without Si addition", approved for 16TH MECC to be held from 8~11 Feb, Manama, Bahrain [MECCFEB16-8179]

  • Electrochemical investigations on the role of Si in ferritic stainless steel alloys (PI-KFUPM/Sep. 2012-Dec. 2014) P# IN-111048
  • Development of austenitic stainless steels with PM routes and their Electrochemical investigations (PI-KFUPM/March 2013-May 2015) P#IN-121033
  • Experimental and computational investigation of erosion-corrosion in piping systems(CO-I, NSTIP/March 2012-May 2014) P#11-ADV1619-04


  • Member of corrosion science society of Korea
  • Member of National association of corrosion ​engineers (Membership No. 314800)
  • Member of Electrochemical Society (Membership No. 350799)

ME, KFUPM Bldg-63, Room # 358 966-3-860 7493 966-3-860 2949 (ME Dept) ihsan@kfupm.edu.sa