

Ph.D.            Mechanical Engineering, Texas A&M University, United States (2022)

M.S.             Mechanical Engineering, Texas A&M University, United States (2018)

B.S.              Mechanical Engineering, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals (2011)

Professional Experience 

2022 – Present             Assistant Professor, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals

2013 – 2016                 Engineer IV, Consulting Service Department, Saudi Aramco

2011 – 2013              Field Engineer, GE – Oil & Gas 

Courses Taught 

  • ME 203             Thermodynamics I
  • ME 411             Senior Design Project I 

Research Areas 

  • Energy science
  • Combustion
  • Carbon-free fuels (e.g. Hydrogen and Ammonia)
  • Spectroscopy
  • Laser-based sensors
  • Carbon capture

Representative Publications         

Full publication list can be viewed on google scholar: Link Here

  • Sulaiman A. Alturaifi, Olivier Mathieu, and Eric L. Petersen, "A Shock-Tube Study of NH3 and NH3/H2 Oxidation Using Laser Absorption of NH3 and H2O," Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, in Press.
  • Sulaiman A. Alturaifi, Olivier Mathieu, and Eric L. Petersen, "Shock-tube laser absorption measurements of N2O time histories during ammonia oxidation," Fuel Communications, Vol. 10, 2022, 100050.
  • S. P. Cooper, Z. K. Browne, S. A. Alturaifi, O. Mathieu, and E. L. Petersen, "Auto-Ignition of Gas Turbine Lubricating Oils in a Shock Tube Using Spray Injection," Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, Vol. 143(5), 2021, 051008.
  • Sulaiman A. Alturaifi, Olivier Mathieu, and Eric L. Petersen, "An Experimental and Modeling Study of Ammonia Pyrolysis," Combustion and Flame, Vol. 235, 2021, 111694.
  • C. R. Mulvihill, S. A. Alturaifi, and E. L. Petersen, "A shock-tube study of the N2O + M ⇄ N2 + O + M (M = Ar) rate constant using N2O laser absorption near 4.6 µm," Combustion and Flame, Vol. 224, 2021, pp. 6-13.
  • Olivier Mathieu, Claire M. Grégoire, Mattias A. Turner, Darryl J. Mohr, Sulaiman A. Alturaifi, James C. Thomas and Eric L. Petersen, "Experimental Investigation of the Combustion Properties of a Representative Thermal Runaway Gas from Li-Ion Batteries," Energy & Fuel, Vol. 36, 2022, 3247–3258.
  • Sulaiman A. Alturaifi, and Eric L. Petersen, "Ammonia line strengths and N2-, O2-, Ar-, He-, and self-broadening coefficients in the v2 band near 10.4 µm," Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, Vol. 262, 2021, 107516.
  • C. M. Grégoire, C. K. Westbrook, S. A. Alturaifi, O. Mathieu, and E. L. Petersen, "Shock-tube spectroscopic water measurements and detailed kinetics modeling of 1-pentene and 3-methyl-1-butene," International Journal of Chemical Kinetics, Vol. 53, 2021, pp. 67-83.
  • S. A. Alturaifi, C. R. Mulvihill, O. Mathieu, and E. L. Petersen, "Speciation Measurements in Shock Tubes for Validation of Complex Chemical Kinetics Mechanisms: Application to 2-Methyl-2-Butene Oxidation," Combustion and Flame, Vol. 225, 2021, pp. 196-213.
  • S. A. Alturaifi, R. L. Rebagay, O. E. Mathieu, B. Guo, and E. L. Petersen, "A Shock-Tube Auto-Ignition Study of Jet, Rocket, and Diesel Fuel," Energy & Fuels, Vol. 33, 3, 2019, pp. 2516-2525.

ME, KFUPM Bldg-63 Room-214 966-13-860 5168 966-13-860 2949 (ME Dept) sulaiman.alturaifi@kfupm.edu.sa