

D. Eng. (Doctor of Engineering, Mechanical Engineering), Birmingham University, UK, 2005         
Ph.D. (Mechanical Engineering), Birmingham University, UK, 1982         
M.Sc. (Mechanical Engineering), Birmingham University, UK, 1978      
B.Sc (Mechanical Engineering), Birmingham University, UK, 1976       
​Courses Taught

  • ME701: Independent Research
  • ME612: Phase change heat transfer and two-phase flow
  • ME532:Advanced Fluid Mechanics
  • ME 533: Ideal Fluid Flow
  • ME 427: Turbomachinery
  • ME 425: Compressible Fluid Flow
  • ME311: Engineering Fluid Mechanics
  • ME203: Thermodynamics 1
Research Areas

  • Laser Applications
  • Renewable Energy and Harsh Environment
  • Heat Transfer and Thermodynamics
  • Microscale Transport
  • Fluid Mechanics
Representative Publications  
  • B.S. Yilbas, M.M. Shaukat, A.A. Afzal, F. Ashraf, Life cycle analysis for laser welding of alloys, Optics and Lasers Technology, Volume 126, 106064, 2020.
  • B.S. Yilbas, G. Hassan, H. Al-Qahtani, S. Bahatab, A.Z. Sahin, A. Al-Sharafi, A. Abubakr, Dust removal from hydrophobic surface by rolling fizzy water droplet, RSC Advances, Vol. 10, pp. 19811 –19821, 2020.
  • A. Al-Sharafi, B.S. Yilbas, A.Z. Sahin, H. Al-Qahtani, Heating enhancement of a droplet on a superhydrophobic surface, Scientific Reports, volume 10, Article number: 4594, 2020.
  • B.S. Yilbas, G. Hassan, H. Al-Qahtani, N. Al-Aqeeli, A. Al-Sharafi, A.S. Al‐Merbati, N.T.Baroud, J.A.E. Adukwu, Stretchable hydrophobic surfaces and self-cleaning applications, Scientific Reports, Vol. 9, pp. 1-13, Article number: 14697, 2019
  • B.S. Yilbas, A. Al-Sharafi, A.Z. Sahin, Solar energy harvesting and a water droplet cleaning of micro-post arrays surfaces, Int. J. of Energy Research, pp. 1–12, DOI: 10.1002/er.5063, 2019.
  • B.S. Yilbas, R.S.M. Alassar, S.B. Mansoor, Ahmad Y. Al-Dweik, Microscale thermal energy
  • transfer over a combined system of thin films: analytical approach, J. of Computational and Theoretical Transport, Vol.. 48, No. 3, pp. 89–108 2019.
  • B.S. Yilbas, H. Ali, A. Al-Shehri, N. Al-Aqeeli, Droplet dynamics on a hydrophobic surface coated with n-octadecane phase change material Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, Vol. 546, pp. 28-39, 2018.
  • B. S. Yilbas,  A. Ibrahim, H. Ali, M. Khaled, T. Laoui, Hydrophobic and optical characteristics of graphene and graphene oxide films transferred onto functionalized silica particles deposited glass surface, Applied Surface Science, Vol. 442, pp. 213-223, 2018.
  • B.S. Yilbas, G. Hassan, A. Al-Sharafi, H. Ali, N. Al-Aqeeli, A. Al-Sarkhi, Water droplet dynamics on a hydrophobic surface in relation to the self-cleaning of environmental dust, Scientific Report, Vol. 14;8(1), paper No. 2984. doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-21370-5, 2018.
  • B.S. Yilbas, H. Ali, A. Al-Sharafi, N. Al-Aqeeli, N. Abu-Dheir, F. Al-Sulaiman, and M. Khaled,   Characteristics of a solar selective absorber surface subjected to environmental dust in humid air ambient, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, Vol. 172, pp. 186-194, 2017.
  • B.S. Yilbas, M.R. Yousaf, A. Al-Sharafi, H. Ali, F. Al-Sulaiman, N. Abu-Dheir, M. Khaled and  N. Al-Aqeeli, Silicone Oil Impregnated Nano Silica Modified Glass Surface and Influence of Environmental Dust Particles on Optical Transmittance, RSC Advances, Vol. 7, pp. 29762 – 29771, 2017.
  • B.S. Yilbas, H. Ali, A. Al-Sharafi, N. Al-Aqeeli, Environmental Mud Adhesion on Optical Glass Surface: Effect of Mud Drying Temperature on Surface Properties, Solar Energy, Vol. 150, pp. 73-82, 2017.
  • Yilbas B.S., Salhi B., Yousaf M.R., Al-Sulaiman F., Ali H., Al-Aqeeli N., Surface characteristics of silicon nanowires/nanowalls subjected to octadecyltrichlorosilane deposition and n-octadecane coating, Scientific Reports, Vol. 6, p. 38678, 2016. doi:10.1038/srep38678
  • Yilbas B.S., H. Ali, Influence of pin material configurations on thermoelectric generator performance, Energy Conversion and Management, Vol. 129, pp. 157-167, 2016.
  • Yilbas B.S., Ali H., Al-Aqeeli N., Khaled M., Abu-Dheir N., K.K. Varanasi, Solvent Induced Crystallization of a Polycarbonate Surface and Texture Copying by PDMS towards Improved Surface Hydrophobicity, J. of Applied Polymer Science, Vol. 133(22), p. 43467, 2016.

ME,KFUPM Bldg-63Room-353 966-3-860 4481 966-3-860 2949 (ME Dept) bsyilbas@kfupm.edu.sa http://faculty.kfupm.edu.sa/ME/bsyilbas/