

  • Ph.D.    Mechanical Engineering (Applied Materials & Manufacturing) King Fahd University of Petroleum &  Minerals, Saudi Arabia               
  • M.Sc.      Mechanical Engineering N-W.F.P. University of Engineering & Technology, Pakistan
  • B.Sc        Mechanical Engineering N-W.F.P. University of Engineering & Technology, Pakistan
Courses Taught

  • ME 322             Manufacturing Processes-I
  • ME 323             Manufacturing Processes-I (Lab)
  • ME 216             Material Science and Engineering
  • ME 217             Material Science and Engineering (Lab)
  • ME 308             Machine Design-II 

Research Areas

  • Design, Materials & Manufacturing:
  • Metal forming and other advanced manufacturing processes
  • Surface engineering
  • Laser assisted manufacturing and surface modification processes
  • Material characterization using modern techniques
  • Applications of finite element method in multi-physics problems 

Representative Publications         

  • S. S. Akhtar, A. F. M. Arif, B. S. Yilbas: “Performance of Al-6063 Primary and Secondary Billets used in Hot Aluminum Extrusion”, ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, October 2009, Vol. 131 (5), pp. 054502-1 to 054502-7.
  • A. F. M. Arif, S. S. Akhtar, A. K. Sheikh: “Effect of Al-6063 billet quality on the service life of hot extrusion die: metallurgical and statistical investigation”, ASM Journal of Failure Analysis & Prevention, 2009, Vol. 9 (3), pp. 253-261.
  • B. S. Yilbas, A. F. M. Arif, C. Karatas, S. S. Akhtar, B. J. A. Aleem, “Laser Nitriding of Tool Steel: Thermal Stress Analysis”, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2009, Vol. 49 (9-12), pp. 1009-1018.
  • B. S. Yilbas, S. S. Akhtar, C. Karatas: “Laser Treatment of Inconel 718 alloy: Thermal Stress Analysis” Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 2010, Vol. 48, pp. 740-749.
  • S. S. Akhtar, A. F. M. Arif, B. S. Yilbas: "Nitriding of Aluminum Extrusion Die: Effect of Die Geometry", ASM Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2010, Vol. 9 (3), pp. 401-412.
  • S. S. Akhtar, A. F. M. Arif, B. S. Yilbas, A. K. Sheikh: "Influence of surface preparation on the kinetics of controlled gas-nitrided AISI H13 Steels used in extrusion dies", ASM Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2010, Vol. 9 (3), pp. 347-355.
  • B. S. Yilbas, S. S. Akhtar, B.J. Abdul Aleem, and C. Karatas: “Laser Gas-Assisted Processing of Carbon Coated and TiC Embedded Ti-6Al-4V Alloy Surface”, Applied Surface Science, 2010, Vol. 257, Issue 2, pp. 531-537.
  • S. S. Akhtar, A. F. M. Arif, and B. S. Yilbas: “Evaluation of gas nitriding process with in-process variation of nitriding potential for AISI H13 tool steel”, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2010, Vol. 47 (5-8), pp. 687-698.
  • S. S. Akhtar, A. F. M. Arif, A. K. Sheikh: “Influence of Billet Quality on Hot Extrusion Die Life and its Relationship with Process Parameters”, Advanced Materials Research, 2010, Vols. 83-86, pp. 866-873.
  • A. F. M. Arif, S. S. Akhtar, B.S. Yilbas: “Effect of process variables on gas nitriding of H13 tool steel with controlled nitriding potential” International Journal of Surface Science & Engineering, 2010 , Vol. 4 (4-6), pp. 396-415.
  • S. S. Akhtar, A. F. M. Arif: “Fatigue Failure of Extrusion Dies: Effect of Process Parameters and Design Features on Die Life” ASM Journal of Failure Analysis & Prevention, 2010, Vol. 10 (1), pp. 38-49.
  • B. S. Yilbas, S. S. Akhtar, A. Matthews, C. Karatas: “Laser Remelting of Zirconia Surface: Investigation into Thermal Stresses” Materials and Manufacturing Processes, Volume 26, Issue 10, 2011, pages 1277-1287.
  • B. S. Yilbas, S. S. Akhtar, “Laser Cutting of Alloy Steel: 3-Dimensional Modeling of Temperature and Stress Fields” Materials and Manufacturing Processes, Volume 26, Issue 1, 2011 pages 104-112.
  • B. S. Yilbas, M. Khaled; S. S. Akhtar, C. Karatas: “Laser Bending of Steel Sheets: Corrosion Testing of Bended Sections”, Industrial Lubrication Tribology, Vol. 63 Issue: 5, 2011, pp.367 - 372
  • B. S, Yilbas, S. S. Akhtar, and C. Karatas, "Laser carbonitriding of alumina surface", Optics and Lasers in Engineering, Vol. 49 (3), pp. 341-350, 2011.
  • B. S. Yilbas, S. S. Akhtar , Karatas C., "Laser welding of Hayness 188 alloy sheet: thermal stress analysis", J. of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol 56 (1-4) pp. 115-124, 2011.
  • Yilbas B.S., Sahin A.Z., Akhtar S.S., "Laser treatment of alumina surfaces: the first and second law analysis", Int. J. of Surface Science and Engineering, Volume 5, Number 2-3, pp. 116 – 130, 2011.
  • B. S. Yilbas, S. S. Akhtar, Karatas C.," Laser controlled melting of pre-treated zirconia surface, Applied Surface Science, Vol. 257(15), pp. 6912-6918, 2011.
  • B. S. Yilbas, S. S. Akhtar, Karatas C.," Laser trepanning of a small diameter hole in titanium alloy: temperature and stress fields", J. of Materials Processing Technology, Vol. 211 (7), pp. 1296-1304, 2011.
  • B. S. Yilbas, S. S. Akhtar, Karatas C.," Laser gas assisted treatment of pre-prepared high strength low alloy steel surface", Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 211 (7), pp. 1268-1277, 2011.
  • B. S. Yilbas, S. S. Akhtar, Chatwin C., Laser hole cutting into bronze: thermal stress analysis", Optics and Laser Technology, Vol. 43 (7), pp. 1119-1127, 2011.
  • B. S. Yilbas, S. S. Akhtar: “Laser Cutting of Small Diameter Holes into Alumina Tiles: Thermal Stress Analysis” ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Volume 133, Issue 2, 024503 (5 pages), 2011
  • B. S. Yilbas, S. S. Akhtar, A. Matthews, C. Karatas, A. Leyland: “Microstructure and Thermal Stress Distributions in Laser Carbonitriding Treatment of Ti-6Al-4V Alloy” ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Volume 133, Issue 2, 021013 (8 pages), 2011.
  • B. S. Yilbas, S. S. Akhtar, C. Karatas: “Laser gas assisted melting of pre-prepared alumina surface including TiC particles at surface” Surface Engineering, Volume 27, Number 6, July 2011 , pp. 470-476
  • B. S. Yilbas, S. S. Akhtar, “Laser cutting of Kevlar laminates and thermal stress formed at cutting sections”, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, Vol. 50 (2), pp. 204-209, 2012.
  • B. S. Yilbas, S. S. Akhtar, Karatas C., “Laser straight cutting of zirconia tiles”, Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, Volume 26, Number 2 (2012), 591-599.
  • S. S. Akhtar, A. F. M. Arif, B. S. Yilbas , " Influence of Multiple Nitriding on the Case Hardening of H13 Tool Steel: Experimental and Numerical investigation", Int. J. Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Volume 58, Numbers 1-4 (2012), pp. 57-70.
  • B. S. Yilbas, S. S. Akhtar, Karatas C., “Laser straight cutting of alumina tiles: thermal stress analysis”, Int. J. of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 58 (9-12), pp. 1019-1030 (2012).
  • B. S. Yilbas, S. S. Akhtar ,C. Karatas: “Laser Gas Assisted Nitriding of Hastelloy-G alloy: Thermal Stress Analysis and Characterization” Surface and Interface Analysis, Volume 44, Issue 3, pages 352–364, March 2012.
  • B. S. Yilbas, S. S. Akhtar, C. Karatas: “Laser Hole Cutting into Ti-6Al-4V Alloy and Thermal Stress Analysis” International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Volume 59, Numbers 9-12, 2012.
  • B. S. Yilbas, S. S. Akhtar, Matthews A., Karatas C., “Laser treatment of carbon film coated steel surface”, Surface Engineering, Vol. 28 (1), pp. 57-67, 2012.
  • B. S. Yilbas, S. S. Akhtar, C. Karatas: “Laser Straight cutting of Bronze Sheet: Thermal Stress Analysis” Machining Science and Technology, Volume 16 (1), 2012, pp. 20-39.
  • Yilbas, B.S., Akhtar, S.S., Bayraktar, E., Gasem, Z., “Laser cutting of thin aluminum and silicon alloy: Influence of laser power on kerf width, Advanced Materials Research, Vol. 445 , pp. 442-447, 2012.
  • B. S. Yilbas, S. S. Akhtar, C. Karatas , C. Chatwin, “Laser embedding of TiC particles into the surface of phosphor bronze-bearing material” Surface and Interface Analysis, 2012, Article in press.
  • S. S. Akhtar, A. F. M. Arif, B.S. Yilbas: “Finite Element Simulation of the Effect of Al-6063 Billet Quality on the Extrusion Die Performance”, Industrial Lubrication Tribology, accepted, to be published in 2013.Professor
  • Yilbas, BS; Akhtara, S; Keles, O ; Laser cutting of triangular blanks from thick aluminum foam plate: Thermal stress analysis and morphology ;2014
  • Akhtar, SS ; Laser cutting of thick-section circular blanks: thermal stress prediction and microstructural analysis ;2014
  • Akhtar, S; Kardas, OO; Keles, O; Yilbas, BS ; Laser cutting of rectangular geometry into aluminum alloy: Effect of cut sizes on thermal stress field ;2014
  • Yilbas, BS; Akhtar, SS; Karatas, C ; Laser cutting of rectangular geometry into alumina tiles ;2014
  • Kardas, OO; Keles, O; Akhtar, S; Yilbas, BS ;Laser cutting of rectangular geometry in 2024 aluminum alloy: Thermal stress analysis ;2014
  • Yilbas, BS; Akhtar, SS ; Laser bending of metal sheet and thermal stress analysis ;2014
  • Akhtar, SS; Arif, AFM ; Effect of Profile Corners on the Nitriding Treatment of AISI H13 Hot Extrusion Dies ;2014
  • Saheb, N; Ul Qadir, N; Siddiqui, MU; Arif, AFM; Akhtar, SS; Al-Aqeeli, N ; Characterization of Nanoreinforcement Dispersion in Inorganic Nanocomposites: A Review ;2014
  • Abubakar, AA; Akhtar, SS; Arif, AFM; Mostaghimi, J ; The effect of porosity on the hot corrosion failure of thermal barrier coatings ;2015
  • Abubakar, AA; Akhtar, SS; Arif, AFM ; Phase field modeling of V2O5 hot corrosion kinetics in thermal barrier coatings ;2015
  • Abubakar, AA; Akhtar, SS; Arif, AFM ;Phase field modeling of V2O5 hot corrosion in thermal barrier coatings (vol 99, pg 105, 2015) ;2015
  • Yilbas, BS; Akhtar, SS; Keles, O; Boran, K ; Laser cutting of triangular geometry into 2024 aluminum alloy: Influence of triangle size on thermal stress field ;2015
  •  Yilbas, BS; Akhtar, SS; Keles, O ; Laser cutting of small diameter hole in aluminum foam ;2015
  • Akhtar, SS; Yilbas, BS; Karatas, C ; Laser assisted nitriding of nickel-chromium-based superalloy surface: Heating and diffusion analysis ;2015
  • Akhtar, SS; Abubakar, AA; Arif, AFM ; Prediction of Residual Stresses During Gas Nitriding of H13 Steels Using Phase Field Approach ;2015
  • Yilbas, BS; Akhtar, SS; Karatas, C; Boran, K ;  Laser treatment of dual matrix cast iron with presence of WC particles at the surface: Influence of self-annealing on stress fields ;2016​    ​

ME KFUPM Bldg-63 Room-313 966-13-860 2373 966-13-860 2949 (ME Dept) ssakhtar@kfupm.edu.sa