


M.Sc.              (Mechanical Engineering), King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals, Dhahran, 2009.

B.Sc                (Mechanical Engineering), Osmania University, Hyderabad, India, 2005.

Courses Taught

  • ME 205             Material Science
  • ME 308             Machine Design – II

Research Areas

Polymer Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering

Representative Publications       

  • Nagendiran, S; Badghaish, A; Hussein, IA; Shuaib, AN; Furquan, SA; Al-Mehthel, MH ; Epoxy/Oil Fly Ash Composites Prepared Through In Situ Polymerization: Enhancement of Thermal and Mechanical Properties ;2016
  • Ok, S; Furquan, SA; Khan, Z; Dogan, AU ;Near superhydrophobic-fluorinated THV fiber-like structures and fibers prepared by electrospinning ;2016
  • Shanmugam, N; Hussein, IA; Badghaish, A; Shuaib, AN; Furquan, SA; Al-Mehthel, MH ; Evaluation of oil fly ash as a light stabilizer for epoxy composites: Accelerated weathering study ;2015
  • Yilbas, BS; Khaled, M; Abu-Dheir, N; Aqeeli, N; Furquan, SZ ;Laser texturing of alumina surface for improved hydrophobicity ;2013
  • Mezghani, K; Furquan, S ;Analysis of dart impact resistance of low-density polyethylene and linear low-density polyethylene blown films via an improved instrumented impact test method ;2012
  • Bahuleyan, BK; De, SK; Sarath, PU; Furquan, SA; Masihullah, JK; Emwas, AH; Al-Harthi, MA ; Effect of aluminium nitride on the properties of polyethylene obtained by In situ polymerization using Ni(II) diimine complex ;2012
  • Mezghani, K; Furquan, S; Tabatabaei, SH; Ajji, A ;  Effect of Blend Ratio of h-LLDPE and LDPE on Tear Properties of Blown Films ;2012​
  • Khaled Mezghani, Sarfaraz A. Furquan, and Rached Ben-Mansour, " Significance of Blend Ratios of h-LLDPE and LDPE on the Tear Properties of Blown Films," in Polymer Processing Society, July 2010 (with Khaled Mezghani).
  • Sarfaraz A. Furquan and Khaled Mezghani, " Importance of Draw Ratio on the Tensile Properties of the h-LLDPE Blown Film," in First Saudi Student Conference, Riyadh-Saudi Arabia, March 2010 .

ME, KFUPM Bldg-63 Room-149 966-13-860 2209 966-13-860 2949 (ME Dept) sfurquan@kfupm.edu.sa



M.Sc.              (Mechanical Engineering), King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals, Dhahran, 2009.

B.Sc                (Mechanical Engineering), Osmania University, Hyderabad, India, 2005.

Courses Taught

  • ME 205             Material Science
  • ME 308             Machine Design – II

Research Areas

Polymer Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering

Representative Publications       

  • Nagendiran, S; Badghaish, A; Hussein, IA; Shuaib, AN; Furquan, SA; Al-Mehthel, MH ; Epoxy/Oil Fly Ash Composites Prepared Through In Situ Polymerization: Enhancement of Thermal and Mechanical Properties ;2016
  • Ok, S; Furquan, SA; Khan, Z; Dogan, AU ;Near superhydrophobic-fluorinated THV fiber-like structures and fibers prepared by electrospinning ;2016
  • Shanmugam, N; Hussein, IA; Badghaish, A; Shuaib, AN; Furquan, SA; Al-Mehthel, MH ; Evaluation of oil fly ash as a light stabilizer for epoxy composites: Accelerated weathering study ;2015
  • Yilbas, BS; Khaled, M; Abu-Dheir, N; Aqeeli, N; Furquan, SZ ;Laser texturing of alumina surface for improved hydrophobicity ;2013
  • Mezghani, K; Furquan, S ;Analysis of dart impact resistance of low-density polyethylene and linear low-density polyethylene blown films via an improved instrumented impact test method ;2012
  • Bahuleyan, BK; De, SK; Sarath, PU; Furquan, SA; Masihullah, JK; Emwas, AH; Al-Harthi, MA ; Effect of aluminium nitride on the properties of polyethylene obtained by In situ polymerization using Ni(II) diimine complex ;2012
  • Mezghani, K; Furquan, S; Tabatabaei, SH; Ajji, A ;  Effect of Blend Ratio of h-LLDPE and LDPE on Tear Properties of Blown Films ;2012​
  • Khaled Mezghani, Sarfaraz A. Furquan, and Rached Ben-Mansour, " Significance of Blend Ratios of h-LLDPE and LDPE on the Tear Properties of Blown Films," in Polymer Processing Society, July 2010 (with Khaled Mezghani).
  • Sarfaraz A. Furquan and Khaled Mezghani, " Importance of Draw Ratio on the Tensile Properties of the h-LLDPE Blown Film," in First Saudi Student Conference, Riyadh-Saudi Arabia, March 2010 .

ME, KFUPM Bldg-63 Room-149 966-13-860 2209 966-13-860 2949 (ME Dept) sfurquan@kfupm.edu.sa

Associate Professor


M.Sc.              (Mechanical Engineering), King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals, Dhahran, 2009.

B.Sc                (Mechanical Engineering), Osmania University, Hyderabad, India, 2005.

Courses Taught

  • ME 205             Material Science
  • ME 308             Machine Design – II

Research Areas

Polymer Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering

Representative Publications       

  • Nagendiran, S; Badghaish, A; Hussein, IA; Shuaib, AN; Furquan, SA; Al-Mehthel, MH ; Epoxy/Oil Fly Ash Composites Prepared Through In Situ Polymerization: Enhancement of Thermal and Mechanical Properties ;2016
  • Ok, S; Furquan, SA; Khan, Z; Dogan, AU ;Near superhydrophobic-fluorinated THV fiber-like structures and fibers prepared by electrospinning ;2016
  • Shanmugam, N; Hussein, IA; Badghaish, A; Shuaib, AN; Furquan, SA; Al-Mehthel, MH ; Evaluation of oil fly ash as a light stabilizer for epoxy composites: Accelerated weathering study ;2015
  • Yilbas, BS; Khaled, M; Abu-Dheir, N; Aqeeli, N; Furquan, SZ ;Laser texturing of alumina surface for improved hydrophobicity ;2013
  • Mezghani, K; Furquan, S ;Analysis of dart impact resistance of low-density polyethylene and linear low-density polyethylene blown films via an improved instrumented impact test method ;2012
  • Bahuleyan, BK; De, SK; Sarath, PU; Furquan, SA; Masihullah, JK; Emwas, AH; Al-Harthi, MA ; Effect of aluminium nitride on the properties of polyethylene obtained by In situ polymerization using Ni(II) diimine complex ;2012
  • Mezghani, K; Furquan, S; Tabatabaei, SH; Ajji, A ;  Effect of Blend Ratio of h-LLDPE and LDPE on Tear Properties of Blown Films ;2012​
  • Khaled Mezghani, Sarfaraz A. Furquan, and Rached Ben-Mansour, " Significance of Blend Ratios of h-LLDPE and LDPE on the Tear Properties of Blown Films," in Polymer Processing Society, July 2010 (with Khaled Mezghani).
  • Sarfaraz A. Furquan and Khaled Mezghani, " Importance of Draw Ratio on the Tensile Properties of the h-LLDPE Blown Film," in First Saudi Student Conference, Riyadh-Saudi Arabia, March 2010 .

ME, KFUPM Bldg-63 Room-149 966-13-860 2209 966-13-860 2949 (ME Dept) sfurquan@kfupm.edu.sa

Assistant Professor


M.Sc.              (Mechanical Engineering), King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals, Dhahran, 2009.

B.Sc                (Mechanical Engineering), Osmania University, Hyderabad, India, 2005.

Courses Taught

  • ME 205             Material Science
  • ME 308             Machine Design – II

Research Areas

Polymer Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering

Representative Publications       

  • Nagendiran, S; Badghaish, A; Hussein, IA; Shuaib, AN; Furquan, SA; Al-Mehthel, MH ; Epoxy/Oil Fly Ash Composites Prepared Through In Situ Polymerization: Enhancement of Thermal and Mechanical Properties ;2016
  • Ok, S; Furquan, SA; Khan, Z; Dogan, AU ;Near superhydrophobic-fluorinated THV fiber-like structures and fibers prepared by electrospinning ;2016
  • Shanmugam, N; Hussein, IA; Badghaish, A; Shuaib, AN; Furquan, SA; Al-Mehthel, MH ; Evaluation of oil fly ash as a light stabilizer for epoxy composites: Accelerated weathering study ;2015
  • Yilbas, BS; Khaled, M; Abu-Dheir, N; Aqeeli, N; Furquan, SZ ;Laser texturing of alumina surface for improved hydrophobicity ;2013
  • Mezghani, K; Furquan, S ;Analysis of dart impact resistance of low-density polyethylene and linear low-density polyethylene blown films via an improved instrumented impact test method ;2012
  • Bahuleyan, BK; De, SK; Sarath, PU; Furquan, SA; Masihullah, JK; Emwas, AH; Al-Harthi, MA ; Effect of aluminium nitride on the properties of polyethylene obtained by In situ polymerization using Ni(II) diimine complex ;2012
  • Mezghani, K; Furquan, S; Tabatabaei, SH; Ajji, A ;  Effect of Blend Ratio of h-LLDPE and LDPE on Tear Properties of Blown Films ;2012​
  • Khaled Mezghani, Sarfaraz A. Furquan, and Rached Ben-Mansour, " Significance of Blend Ratios of h-LLDPE and LDPE on the Tear Properties of Blown Films," in Polymer Processing Society, July 2010 (with Khaled Mezghani).
  • Sarfaraz A. Furquan and Khaled Mezghani, " Importance of Draw Ratio on the Tensile Properties of the h-LLDPE Blown Film," in First Saudi Student Conference, Riyadh-Saudi Arabia, March 2010 .

ME, KFUPM Bldg-63 Room-149 966-13-860 2209 966-13-860 2949 (ME Dept) sfurquan@kfupm.edu.sa



M.Sc.              (Mechanical Engineering), King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals, Dhahran, 2009.

B.Sc                (Mechanical Engineering), Osmania University, Hyderabad, India, 2005.

Courses Taught

  • ME 205             Material Science
  • ME 308             Machine Design – II

Research Areas

Polymer Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering

Representative Publications       

  • Nagendiran, S; Badghaish, A; Hussein, IA; Shuaib, AN; Furquan, SA; Al-Mehthel, MH ; Epoxy/Oil Fly Ash Composites Prepared Through In Situ Polymerization: Enhancement of Thermal and Mechanical Properties ;2016
  • Ok, S; Furquan, SA; Khan, Z; Dogan, AU ;Near superhydrophobic-fluorinated THV fiber-like structures and fibers prepared by electrospinning ;2016
  • Shanmugam, N; Hussein, IA; Badghaish, A; Shuaib, AN; Furquan, SA; Al-Mehthel, MH ; Evaluation of oil fly ash as a light stabilizer for epoxy composites: Accelerated weathering study ;2015
  • Yilbas, BS; Khaled, M; Abu-Dheir, N; Aqeeli, N; Furquan, SZ ;Laser texturing of alumina surface for improved hydrophobicity ;2013
  • Mezghani, K; Furquan, S ;Analysis of dart impact resistance of low-density polyethylene and linear low-density polyethylene blown films via an improved instrumented impact test method ;2012
  • Bahuleyan, BK; De, SK; Sarath, PU; Furquan, SA; Masihullah, JK; Emwas, AH; Al-Harthi, MA ; Effect of aluminium nitride on the properties of polyethylene obtained by In situ polymerization using Ni(II) diimine complex ;2012
  • Mezghani, K; Furquan, S; Tabatabaei, SH; Ajji, A ;  Effect of Blend Ratio of h-LLDPE and LDPE on Tear Properties of Blown Films ;2012​
  • Khaled Mezghani, Sarfaraz A. Furquan, and Rached Ben-Mansour, " Significance of Blend Ratios of h-LLDPE and LDPE on the Tear Properties of Blown Films," in Polymer Processing Society, July 2010 (with Khaled Mezghani).
  • Sarfaraz A. Furquan and Khaled Mezghani, " Importance of Draw Ratio on the Tensile Properties of the h-LLDPE Blown Film," in First Saudi Student Conference, Riyadh-Saudi Arabia, March 2010 .

ME, KFUPM Bldg-63 Room-149 966-13-860 2209 966-13-860 2949 (ME Dept) sfurquan@kfupm.edu.sa

Graduate Assistants


M.Sc.              (Mechanical Engineering), King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals, Dhahran, 2009.

B.Sc                (Mechanical Engineering), Osmania University, Hyderabad, India, 2005.

Courses Taught

  • ME 205             Material Science
  • ME 308             Machine Design – II

Research Areas

Polymer Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering

Representative Publications       

  • Nagendiran, S; Badghaish, A; Hussein, IA; Shuaib, AN; Furquan, SA; Al-Mehthel, MH ; Epoxy/Oil Fly Ash Composites Prepared Through In Situ Polymerization: Enhancement of Thermal and Mechanical Properties ;2016
  • Ok, S; Furquan, SA; Khan, Z; Dogan, AU ;Near superhydrophobic-fluorinated THV fiber-like structures and fibers prepared by electrospinning ;2016
  • Shanmugam, N; Hussein, IA; Badghaish, A; Shuaib, AN; Furquan, SA; Al-Mehthel, MH ; Evaluation of oil fly ash as a light stabilizer for epoxy composites: Accelerated weathering study ;2015
  • Yilbas, BS; Khaled, M; Abu-Dheir, N; Aqeeli, N; Furquan, SZ ;Laser texturing of alumina surface for improved hydrophobicity ;2013
  • Mezghani, K; Furquan, S ;Analysis of dart impact resistance of low-density polyethylene and linear low-density polyethylene blown films via an improved instrumented impact test method ;2012
  • Bahuleyan, BK; De, SK; Sarath, PU; Furquan, SA; Masihullah, JK; Emwas, AH; Al-Harthi, MA ; Effect of aluminium nitride on the properties of polyethylene obtained by In situ polymerization using Ni(II) diimine complex ;2012
  • Mezghani, K; Furquan, S; Tabatabaei, SH; Ajji, A ;  Effect of Blend Ratio of h-LLDPE and LDPE on Tear Properties of Blown Films ;2012​
  • Khaled Mezghani, Sarfaraz A. Furquan, and Rached Ben-Mansour, " Significance of Blend Ratios of h-LLDPE and LDPE on the Tear Properties of Blown Films," in Polymer Processing Society, July 2010 (with Khaled Mezghani).
  • Sarfaraz A. Furquan and Khaled Mezghani, " Importance of Draw Ratio on the Tensile Properties of the h-LLDPE Blown Film," in First Saudi Student Conference, Riyadh-Saudi Arabia, March 2010 .

ME, KFUPM Bldg-63 Room-149 966-13-860 2209 966-13-860 2949 (ME Dept) sfurquan@kfupm.edu.sa