ME398 (Internship Training for ME students)
Welcome to the ME Internship training program. The ME Department expects you to take advantage of this opportunity and efficiently use it to learn and build your technical and communication skills by interacting with technical and administrative staff in the industry.
(1) Securing a training opportunity
If the opportunity is confirmed by the company and the student through KFUPM Tadreeb’s website, then it is automatically registered for the student. In this case the company can submit the student’s evaluations online through Tadreeb account.
If you secure the training opportunity with a company
outside the Tadreeb website, then you need to confirm your training opportunity with the KFUPM training department and ME department. In this case, the company is encouraged to register the opportunity through KFUPM Tadreeb’s website as a private opportunity for the student.
If the company is not able to create an account with KFUPM Tadreeb website, the company should fill out the Training Opportunity Form for the student (or provide an official training contract) and attach a general Training Plan for the student.
The student should communicate his confirmed training opportunity with the KFUPM training department and the ME Internship Coordinator, by emailing the signed opportunity Form or Contract (with the plan).
ARAMCO follows a separate online application system. The list of students accepted by Aramco is communicated directly to KFUPM training department.
(2) Registration requirements & guidelines:
(4) Training Petitions (registration, dropping, others) are available online through Tadreeb website
(5) Communication Emails:
(6) Internship Forms
(7) Blackboard (BB) course shell for the Internship
A blackboard (BB) course shell for the Internship will be created by the beginning of the semester. Assignments, due dates, instructions, assigned ME advisor, grades and comments, etc., will be handled through blackboard. Students to follow updates through regular checks on the BB. All assignments (training plan, progress report, draft final report, and revised final report) are submitted only through Blackboard.